Explaining the security and sense of social security of female heads of the household with a focus on cultural and social capital (case study: women covered by the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee (RA) and Tehran City Welfare Organization in 1400)
Subject Areas : Woman and Society
asghar vosoughi
hoshang zahiri
yaghob sharbatian
1 - Sociology doctoral student, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran.
Keywords: Social Capital, Cultural Capital, Security, Sense of Social Security, women heads of the household,
Abstract :
Background and purpose: During the last few decades, most of the countries of the world, especially the developing societies, have witnessed rapid and widespread changes and developments that have affected their development patterns and population structures. Meanwhile, the increase of female-headed households and their numerous social and cultural issues have led to the formation of many security concerns among these households. Therefore, this research is trying to explain the security and sense of social security of female heads of households in Tehran, focusing on their cultural and social capital.
Research method: This research was carried out in a quantitative method with a field-survey strategy and cross-sectionally. The sample size included 721 female heads of households covered by the welfare organization and the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee, who were selected by stratified sampling based on the size.
Findings and conclusions: The social and cultural capital of women heads of households is average to low, and the social security and sense of security of women heads of households are evaluated as average, and the highest levels of insecurity were observed in the occupational and financial spheres. As a result, by increasing the amount of social capital of female heads of households, i.e. improving the level of social trust, increasing the amount of social participation, improving the social awareness of female headed households, as well as increasing the social ties and interactions of female headed households, the level of security and their sense of social security in society and family. increases.
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