The role of Machiavelli behavior on interpersonal trust: The mediating role of hypocritical behavior (a case study of female teachers working in girls' high schools in Ilam)
Subject Areas : Woman and Society
Mohammad Reza Ardalan
ardeshir shiri
farzaneh soltangholi
Ghodratollah Rahimi
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.
2 - Associate, Department of Management, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran.
3 - Ph.D. Student of Educational Management, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.Iran
4 - M. A. in Business Administration. Payame Noor University of Kermanshah, Iran.:
Keywords: "Machiavellianism", "Hypocritical behaviorsin interpersonal communications", "Female teachers", "reduced Interpersonal trus",
Abstract :
The aim of the study was to investigate the role of Machiavellianism in reducing interpersonal trust by mediating hypocritical behaviors in interpersonal communication. The research population was all female teachers of Ilam city, which was selected by simple random sampling method and based on Cochran's formula of a sample with a volume of 221 people. The research method is quantitative, descriptive and correlational studies and especially structural equation modeling. Khald Sharafi and Shiri Behavioral Behavior Machinery Questionnaire (2015), Haddavi Nejad Interpersonal Behavioral Communication Questionnaire (2011) Questionnaire and Interpersonal Trust Builder Questionnaire were used. . To determine the reliability and validity of the instrument, Cranbach's alpha coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis were used. For data analysis, the confirmation path analysis technique was used using lisrel software. The results showed: Machiavellian variable has a direct negative effect (-0.42), a negative direct effect (-0.92) and a total negative effect (-0.512) and is significant on the interpersonal confidence variable at the level of 0.05. . The variable of hypocritical behaviors has a negative direct effect (-0.25) and is significant on the interpersonal trust variable at the level of 0.05. Machiavellian variables with indirect path coefficient due to hypocritical behaviors (-0.92) and T-value (3.29) have an indirect, negative and significant effect on interpersonal trust at the level of 0.05.
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