Examine the most important components affecting this important to pave the way for useful measures in Zanjan city womens.
Subject Areas : Woman and Societyrobabeh pourjabali 1 * , jilla masomi 2
1 - Social Sciences Islamic Azad University-Zanjan-Iran
2 - Social Sciences Islamic Azad University-Zanjan-Iran
Keywords: "Body management", "self-perception", " self-objectification", " body as social capital",
Abstract :
The aim of this research is , survey of effects imortantns indexes to body managment especially among the youth and women. In this research, an attempt has been made to examine the most important components affecting this important to pave the way for useful measures in this field. This research is a descriptive-analytical survey. The statistical population of this study was women who visited beauty clinics, hairdressers and sports clubs. In this study, 266 women aged 15 to 55 years were selected as available samples. The data of this study were collected using the researcher-made questionnaire for independent variables and the standard questionnaire (MBSRQ) for the dependent variable of body management and the descriptive and inferential statistical methods (multiple regression) were analyzed using SPSS23 software. Findings from multiple regression showed that the variables of aura (P <0/001), self-perception (P <0/001), body as social capital (P <0/001) had the greatest effect on body management. It has significant meanings, followed by the object-oriented variables (P <0669) and the variables.
The use of social media (P <0.056) did not have a significant effect on body management variables. The results showed that the variables of aura, self-perception and the body as social capital have an effect on body management.
Body management, self-perception, self-objectification, body as social capital
9 - https://www.google.com/search?channel = nrow5&client=firefox-b-d&q=+Rostami%2C+S.+Ahmadnia%2C+Sh.+%282011%29.+Determining+the+Contribution+of+Perceived+Social+Support+Components+in+Predicting+Social+Adjustment+of+Javanrood+High+School+Female+Students.+345.+%28Persian%29.+http%3A%2F%2Fdsme.hums.ac.ir%2Farticle-1-108-en.pdf.