Sociological Explanation of the Moral and Social Collapse in Women with Sexual Exclusion
Subject Areas :
Woman and Society
Houra kaykhosravi
Alireza Kaldi
Mehrdad Nanabakhsh
Hosain Aghajani
1 - PhD student in Sociology, Tehran University of Science and Research, Iran
2 - Professor, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran_Iran
4 - Professor, Department of Sociology, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2019-06-06
Accepted : 2021-07-31
Published : 2021-07-23
illegitimate relationships,
sexual perversion Ethical Considerations Compliance with ethical guidelines In the present study,
the interviews were conducted voluntarily and with the satisfaction of all participants,
Abstract :
Introduction:ntroduction: This basic theory study is a qualitative study of the phenomenon of prostitution and the prevalence of illegitimate relationships and sexual promiscuity in society that has led to the phenomenon of "collapse" and examines the causal conditions, intervening conditions, contexts, strategies and strategy consequences. Used, pays.
Methods:Initially, using a semi-structured interview technique, in-depth interviews were conducted with 14 women who were imprisoned in the central court of Tehran for illicit relationships, prostitution or setting up brothels, through purposeful sampling with maximum diversity. done. After the tenth interview, conceptual saturation was achieved. To be sure, the interview continued until the tenth person. The data are categorized using the Strauss-Corbin paradigm model and then plotted.
Findings:The results showed that illegitimate relationships, sexual perversion, inclination towards bad friends, naivety and material hardships are among the causes of women committing prostitution. Divorce of parents, deep childhood injuries, poverty and inappropriate family environment are among the intervening factors of this social crime, which leads to strategies such as avoidance of school, benevolence, perversion for survival, trying to compensate and imitate the deviation.
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Sociological Explanation of the Moral and Social Collapse in Women with Sexual Exclusion
Authors:HouraKaykhosravi[1] (Corresponding Author), Alireza Kaldi[2] (CorrespondingAuthor),Hossein AghajaniMersa[3], Mehrdad Navabakhsh[4]
[1] PhD Student in Sociology
[2] Professor, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences
[3] Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
[4] Professor, Department of Sociology, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University