Narrative Research on the Acquisition of the Championship Platform by the Legendary Sisters of Iran’s Wushu
Subject Areas : Woman and Society
Setareh Dineli
rokhsareh badami
zohre meshkati
sahar Faeghi
1 - islamic azad university, isfahan (khorasgan) branch
2 - islamic azad university, isfahan (khorasgan) branch
3 - islamic azad university, isfahan (khorasgan) branch
4 - islamic azad uviversity, research and science branch
Keywords: ", world-class athletes", , ", Development", , ", adversity", , ", Grit", ,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to conduct narrative research on the acquisition of the championship platform by the legendary sisters of Iran’s Wushu. The research approach was qualitative, and a narrative research method was used. The narrative analysis was based on media interviews with Mansoorian sisters in the TV program “Honeymoon” which were considered as a purposeful sample. Descriptive codes were extracted based on findings obtained from narrative interviews with Mansoorian sisters in the face of events and actions occurring in their life. The characteristics extracted from interviewing with the sisters, were classified into three levels: intrapersonal personality characteristics (mental strength, self-efficacy), interpersonal personality characteristics (communicative moral virtues, cultural and financial differences acceptance capacity), and performance improvement strategies, (goal setting, positive suggestibility, and intrinsic and extrinsic motivations). According to the results, it can be admitted that psychological trauma, difficulties, and adversity acted as a catalyst for development of Mansoorian sisters.
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