Consequences and causes of women's entry into men's (hard)works
Subject Areas : Woman and Society
nasrin cheraghi
rafigh hasani
1 - Head of the Research and Publishing Office of the Shahid Kermanshah Province, Teacher of Applied Scientific University
2 - Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Ph.D., Educational Management, Assistant Professor, University of Educational Sciences
Keywords: consequences, men', s works, women', s entry, causes,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the consequences and reasons of women entering men's jobs. this study is qualitative research and The use of grounded theory was considered to achieve this goal. The field of research was women working in men's jobs. The sampling was Purposeful and participants were selected by theoretical snowball method. Semi-structured interview questionnaire with six questions was used for data collection and coding method including open, axial and selective coding was used for data analysis. Their most pressing problems were "dissonance with family role expectations and gender discrimination." Respondents, respecting, encouraging, paying more attention to women, indifference to women stated the most important customer response to first dealing with women, and the reaction of other co-workers. Women considered social benefits, good management and tenure in executive positions, power, job security, economic, cultural, social dimension and the need for presence in society to be the benefits of women entering men's jobs. Psychological factors, communication issues, being away from the family, inadequate time for the family, physical injuries, and abusive behaviors can be considered as injuries to women entering these jobs.
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