Abstract :
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to model the indigenous pattern of psychosocial vulnerability to persistent depression in women in Tabriz. The present study was a qualitative research method and used the grounded theory. The study population consisted of 21-50 years old women with persistent depression, 20 of whom were purposefully and data saturated from among referrals to 3 counseling centers in Tabriz in year 2018-2019. The research tool was Beck Depression Inventory 21 Questionnaire, Structured Interview and Qualitative Interview
Methods: Data analysis was performed based on the coding of the contextual method and 3 major categories and 1 core category were obtained and a background theory was presented in the form of a model.
Findings: The results showed that two categories of factors: "having a traumatic psychological background" and "facing Non psychological challenges" lead to a traumatic individual / interpersonal psychological activity and eventually experience depression. At the end, it is recommended that culture-oriented issues along with treatment plannings should be taken into account.
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