The effect of the trade liberalization policy (with emphasis on the
reduction of tariff barriers) on the employment rate of women in
selected Islamic countries using a spatial approach Abstract
Subject Areas :
Woman and Society
Atefeh Sarkesh
roya aleemran
1 - Ph.D. Student of Islamic Economics, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Islamic Azad University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor.Department of Economics.Tabriz Branch.Islamic Azad University.Tabriz.Iran.
Received: 2022-07-24
Accepted : 2023-05-18
Published : 2023-07-23
Spatial econometrics,
Trade liberalization,
s Employment Rate,
Tariff Barriers,
Abstract :
Over the past three decades, many countries have implemented
economic reforms that include trade liberalization policies and there is a
strong interest in the gender impact of these reforms. On the other hand,
trade liberalization determines the structure of employment, the extent of
poverty, and the distribution of income and wages. The purpose of this
paper is to estimate the effect of trade liberalization on women's
employment using panel data from selected Islamic countries in the
framework of a spatial econometric approach. The 1999 to2018 statistics
were used for this purpose. The results show that trade liberalization has a
direct and significant impact, and tariff barriers have a significant and
reverse impact on the employment of women in the Selected Islamic
Countries. Also, the commercial liberalization of one country has had a
positive effect on the employment of women in other countries. This
means that with the increasing commercial liberalization of each country,
the average employment rate of women in other Selected Islamic
Countries has increased.
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