Factors deterrent women's economic participation by families in the local community (Case study of women in Behdeh, Parsian city)
Subject Areas : Woman and Societyazin rezaiean gharagozlou 1 * , Valiollah Rostamalizadeh 2
1 - Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran
2 - PhD in Development Sociology, assistant professor in the National Population Studies and Comprehensive Management Institute
Keywords: family, Economic participation, power structure, gender stereotypes, the roles of motherhood and wife,
Abstract :
The present study describes the factors that inhibit the economic participation of women by the family in the local community. This research was conducted in two groups of employed and unemployed married women between the ages of 25 and 45, residing in the village of Behdeh, from the Parsian County, Hormozgan province. The data were collected in a qualitative manner using a grand theory approach and interviewing and group discussion techniques. The data were analyzed using open, axial and selective coding and continued to the theoretical saturation stage. The findings of this study show that values and attitudes (interpretations that women have of customs), beliefs and faith (belief in male superiority and superintendence), Gender stereotypes (separation of public and private spaces, feminine and masculine), type of ownership and authority (decision on income and expenses and ownership of assets) and type of decision making and choice (choice of job, migration, marriage, and divorce), They were the most influential components of women's economic participation. In general, gender stereotypes in all aspects of men's and women's lives make them ready to accept the roles that they have been trained by family and education institutions in the Socialization way.
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