Spatial Pattern of Entrepreneurship Solutions in Rural Areas of Western Gilan Province (Case Study of Fuman City)
Subject Areas : Regional Planningmasoumeh partovi nejad 1 * , simin armaqan 2 , azita rajabi 3
1 - Ph.d.student of geography of rural planning Islamic Azad university central Tehran branch
2 - Geography of Human Planning - Assistant Professor at Islamic Azad University, Yadgar Imam Branch (RA)
3 - Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: ", spatial pattern", Solution", Entrepreneurship", Rural Areas of Foman", West of Gilan Province",
Abstract :
One of the most important solutions in the direction of sustainable rural development is the growth and development of entrepreneurship in rural areas. This research, using the descriptive-analytical method along with documentary, library and field studies, deals with the spatial modeling of entrepreneurial solutions in rural areas of Foman city and aims to This study is to identify and introduce entrepreneurial villages, identifyentrepre neurial potentials, investigate and analyze the factors influencing entrepreneurship and provide suggestions in the field of actualizing entrepreneurial potentials in Fuman city. The statistical population of the current study is all rural households in Foman city.The population is a sample of entrepreneurial villages and other villages of the city,and all entrepreneurial households were evaluated using a questionnaire to be compared with other villages.There were 156 inhabited villages, which were conducted using questionnaires and interviews with local managers in full. Cronbach's alpha was used to measure reliability,and the reliability of the above questionnaire was 0.87, which indicates very good reliability. In order to analyze the findings, spss software and Moran's local statistics method I have been used. The results of field studies and investigation of the situation in the rural areas of the city show that out of the 156 inhabited villages of Foman city,42villages have registered their type of entrepreneurship and the number of 116 people They are entrepreneurs in different jobs. Alsoin a survey of 156 people of the statistical population, more than 80 percent of the respondents believe that the identification of potential villages in the rural areas of Foman city and the creation of entrepreneurial potentials and capabilities in the city,the suitable atmosphere of the village and the presence of tourists in creating business New has a moderate, high and very large impact. Finally spatial modeling of entrepreneurship in the villages of Foman city from the perspective of entrepreneurial solutions(cultural-educational,financial and social) showed that the prevailing pattern is random and non-random behavior in some rural areas is It has been limited that these behaviors with local Moran's I statistic in various clustered and non-clustered forms, i.e. high-high (HH), low-low(LL), high-low(HL)and low-high(LH).