The planning framework of the development rural settlements around metropolises, case of study: Tehran Metropolis
Subject Areas : Regional Planningmasoumeh amani 1 * , farhad azizpour 2 , Asghar Tahmasbi 3
1 - Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geography, Khwarazmi University, Tehran
2 - Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geography, Khwarazmi University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geography, Khwarazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Paradigms and theories of development, development planning framework, sustainable local development planning of villages around the metropolis,
Abstract :
The rapid process of urbanization has led to multi-dimensional changes in the rural areas around the metropolises, the appropriate response to these changes requires a special planning model. Present research was conducted with the aim of compiling a planning model for the development of rural settlements around Tehran metropolis with an interpretive approach and qualitative method. Research data was collected by analyzing development planning paradigms, theories, approaches and strategies of rural development and planning projects of the development of rural settlements around the metropolis and semi-structured interviews. 74 articles related to paradigms and theories of rural development and 39 development documents of villages around metropolises were selected by purposeful sampling method and case study method, respectively. The participants in the interviews were managers and local experts of rural development from 17 villages and 5 executive bodies who were selected using the multi-stage cluster sampling method and targeted sampling. The number of participants in 17 villages and 5 executive bodies reached 34 and 15 people by theoretical saturation respectively. The research collected data were analyzed by using Meta -synthesis and qualitative content analysis. The validity of the findings was done using the Holstein coefficient method.
The findings of the research led to the conclusion that it have been crated a new program based on discourse of postmodernism for rural settlements around Tehran metropolis. This program has a conceptual framework with certain principles. This principles are divided into two categories: procedural and substantive. Substantive principles include of environmentalism, conceptualism, development of local economy activities and product supply chain, and spatial integration. Procedural principles include of Pluralism, activist-network, participation, optimal governance and flexibility. These are guidelines for formulating a practical framework (definition, nature, scale, goals, description of services, etc.) of the sustainable local development program for the rural settlement around Tehran metropolis.