Futuristic approach in regional development planning (Case study: Yazd province)
Subject Areas : Regional Planningmohadese Bashir Mashhadi 1 * , Reza Akbari 2 , Hamid Mohammadi 3
1 - Master student of Yazd University
2 - Assistant Professor of Urban Planning - Yazd University
3 - Assistant Professor of Urban Planning - Yazd University
Keywords: Regional planning, Yazd Province, Regional Development, futuristic approach,
Abstract :
In a world of increasing complexity of forecasting and planning, foresight is a systematic and participatory process. Uncerta inties due to the functional-structural complexities of the provinces have made it very difficult to address the long-term future. In the meantime, scenario writing has become popular in management and planning, the application of which is an important and key concern. Therefore, according to trends, events, actions, key factors, drivers and most importantly, uncertainties are planned and we seek ideals, aspirations, goals, strategies through the future research triangle (future traction, present pressure and past weight). In futurism, we stand in the future and think about solving the shortcomings of the present to achieve such a future. Given the importance of foresight and its effects on the macro-plans of countries, the success and efficiency of foresight processes has always been a concern of the management of countries. This research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose. In this article, a list of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats was compiled using library studies and interviews with experts. Then, from the current situation, superior documents and assessment of the status of trends and macro trends in Yazd province have been obtained. According to these cases, a scenario was developed that includes 8 scenarios. Thus, the main elements of regional development in Yazd province, including drivers with high uncertainty and importance, key and predetermined factors, scenarios, strategies, policies and action plans were identified and how the drivers are affected and analyzed. The general proposal of this study is to make the regions of Yazd province smart with six main drivers: "smart economy, smart people, smart governance, smart mobility, smart environment and smart life" that cover all strategies, policies and action plans.