An examination of the effect of physical, functional, and perceptional dimensions of security component on students' presence; In order to increase spatial justice (Case study: Tehran City)
Subject Areas : Regional Planning
Delaram Sheikh
Hossein Zabihi
Farah Habib
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Urban Development, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Professor, Department of Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Students, Security, spatial justice, presence, university campus open spaces,
Abstract :
Creating spatial justice in public spaces has always been one of the biggest challenges for managers, planners, and architects. Thus, spaces must design to meet other groups’ different needs and preferences. One of these needs and differences between the two sexes is their difference in their sense of security. This study aims to explain the criteria and indicators of the security component in the form of a conceptual model and investigate the effect on student presence. The approach of this research is mixed, and its method in the qualitative part is content analysis; in the quantitative part, it is a survey, and in terms of purpose, it is practical. The research findings show that the criteria and indicators of the “security” component affecting student presence consist of the constructive dimensions of public open spaces and in three physical dimensions: “physical security” and “physical access”; Functional: “Spatial separation” and “Territorial control” and perceptional: “legibility” and “visual order,” and after analyzing the data and confirming the proposed conceptual model, it was found that all criteria of the security component except the visibility of the space are predictive of presence and what is more important between men and women in terms of security criteria for presence, respectively, based on the size of the effect, including legibility (0.23), visual order (0.23), physical security (0.18), Territorial control (0.15), Spatial separation (0.12), visibility (0.06) and physical access (0.05). Therefore, the environment’s response to the different needs of men and women in the sense of security leads to their more significant presence in space.