Analysis of Barriers of the formation of non-governmental organizations in rural settlements of Javanrood township
Subject Areas :
Regional Planning
Nahideh Mohamadi
bijan rahmani
naser shafie
1 - PhD student in Geography and Rural Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
Received: 2020-08-12
Accepted : 2021-01-01
Published : 2022-10-23
Rural settlements,
Keywords: NGOs,
Javanrood township,
Abstract :
Despite the growing role of NGOs in economic development and other sectors, The growth and sustainability of such organizations in many countries, especially at the local level, is challenging and deterrent. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of identifying, measuring and evaluating the Barriers of the formation of non-governmental organizations, by descriptive-analytical method, in 30 villages (equivalent to 2147 households) and 300 sample rural households in Javanrood township.Therefore, for designing a questionnaire, based on various studies and according to the conditions of Iranian society and the region under study, inhibitors (effective variables) in the form of 7 indicators (economic, structural, socio-cultural, infrastructure, educational, individual and psychological) and 54 items. The rate of formation of non-governmental organizations in socio-economic and environmental dimensions (effective variable) was identified in the form of 11 items and designed in the Likert scale.The collected data were encoded in SPSS software and through path analysis method, the direct and indirect effects of inhibitory indicators on the formation of non-governmental organizations in the sample villages were assessed and evaluated. The findings of the study showed that, Except for the psychological index, which had only a direct effect effect, Other indicators have had a direct and indirect effect as well as a high and inverse correlation coefficient in the formation of non-governmental organizations. In this regard, the most impact was related to the index of political structure (-0.689) and the least impact was related to the socio-cultural index (-0.222) and psychological (-0.171). Therefore, according to the research findings, in the first step, the change of approaches from "top to bottom" and " state-baced " to "bottom-up" and "community-based" approaches, defining the position of. Non-governmental organizations in the policy-making and planning system of the country, as well as productive and purposeful education of stakeholders due to the importance and direct and indirect impact on other indicators, is necessary for the formation of non-governmental organizations.Keywords: NGOs, Barriers, Rural Settlements, Javanrood township
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