The Analysis of the Effects of Implementation of Rural Conduct Plans on Housing Development and the Environmental Situation of Rural Settlements (Case Study: Rural areas at central District in Jiroft county).
Subject Areas : Regional Planning
Tahereh Hekmatyar
Javadmikaniki javad
Mofid SHatri
1 - Geography Faculty of Literature and Humanities. Birjand University. Iran
2 - Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Birjand University. Birjand.Iran
3 - Department of Geography, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Birjand University. Birjand.Iran
Keywords: Rural Development, Guide Plan, Physical and environmental development, central District in Jiroft county.),
Abstract :
Rural designers have improved biological conditions through well-designed programs and actions to transform the rural environment and, in some cases, the rehabilitation of parts of these spaces in order to develop a sustainable and sustainable development in all parts of the country. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the implementation of the Hadi plan on the rural housing component and the environmental status of the village as well as the satisfaction of the people in implementing the guideline of villages in the central district of Jiroft city. This research is a descriptive-analytic type based on the nature of the purpose and the method is descriptive-analytic. After initial sampling in 30 samples, the variance of the satisfaction attribute was obtained to be 185. 0, which, after placing in the formula and performing calculations, ultimately 135 households were selected as sample size. To process the data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods such as two-dimensional cross-analysis of Wallis test as well as TOPSIS ranking method have been used The results of the research indicate that: among the implementing variables of the Hadi plan, the level of people's satisfaction with the housing and environmental components has been higher than the average. Also, with 99% confidence, the level of people's satisfaction in the studied villages will be significantly different from each other Therefore, the implementation of the master plan of the sample villages in the field of improving the housing situation, environment and rural life has been successful and has been able to provide relative satisfaction to the villagers. Therefore, the implementation of the master plan of the sample villages in the field of improving the housing situation, environment and rural life has been successful and has been able to provide relative satisfaction to the villagers. Also, the results of the ranking of sample villages on the basis of the model used indicate the highest impact of the implementation of the guideline in the populated villages that have a long history of conducting their conducting plan Like Aliabad, Hawkard has been.