The Role of Local Community involvement in Social Sustainable Development (Case study: Sartapoleh Neighborhood of Sanandaj)
Subject Areas :
Regional Planning
ژیلا Sajadi
فرید Vahedi Yeganeh
1 - sgahid beheshti university
2 - shahid beheshti university
Received: 2017-02-11
Accepted : 2017-12-10
Published : 2017-12-22
social sustainable development,
local communities,
Sartapola neighborhood,
Sanadaj city,
Abstract :
Neighborhoods are one of the most important and vital elements of urban social life. In the theoretical foundations regarding new neighborhood development, the importance of neighborhood residents’ participation is emphasized within process-oriented and interaction- oriented planning patterns. Local community planning emphasizing a bottom- up viewpoint, accents the local resident’s empowerment and advancement of their social capitals and collective participation. This investigation intends studying the role of local community participation in sustainable social development of Sartapola neighborhood. Research methodology is based on a descriptive-analytical method and the research type is practical. Required data is collected through surveying and questionnaire.Sampling has been done targeted, through choosing 50 household’s heads among all 308 households, using Cochran formula with confidence level 93 percent. Finally the outcomes were analyzed using SPSS software. The final results show that the factors such as robust social convergence among neighbors, trust among residents and enough sense of belonging to the neighborhood have the most effective role in the neighborhood social sustainability. There is also a meaningful relationship between sense of belonging to the neighborhood with dwelling time and the participation level in neighborhood social sustainability (applying Pearson Correlation Coefficient, the significance level for both indexes is less than 0.05 and their solidarity intensity is more than 0.5, respectively 0.779 and 0.903) In addition, the indexes “belonging sense to the neighborhood, the trust among residents, the restoration and the rehabilitation of the neighborhood decay fabric and neighborhood satisfaction” with numeric values respectively 0.212, 0.771, 0.338 and 0.143 have a direct relationship and the indexes “involving in collective activities, caring for neighborhood residents’ profits, social convergence among neighbors and women participation” with numeric values respectively 0.171, 0.234, 01.85 and 0.027 have an indirect relationship with local community sustainability.
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