Gender, Political Awareness, and Political Participation of University Students
Subject Areas : Woman and family
Keywords: gender, Students, Political Participation, political awareness, Political Socialization,
Abstract :
Political participation is the political involvement of citizens in order to influence the states’ political decision-making and is an important mechanism through which masses are organized, social capital is increased, the power of the states is controlled, and The responsibility of the states is increased. The present research studies the relationship between political awareness, political participation and gender of the students. The research method is of survey kind,The population being Islamic Azad University’s students.The samples are also 385 people according to Cochran’s formula and the method of sampling is random stratified sampling according to the gender of the population. According to the theoretical framework used and the results achieved from the hypothesis tests, the rate of political participation of the male and female students is different. Male students show more political participation than female ones. The rate of the political awareness among males is higher than females. There is a significant relationship between political awareness and political participation. The results of the present research are in conformity with the previous ones. In general, it can be claimed female students unlike male ones are not completely exposed to the political socialization, and civil institutes have not the capacity to accept female students.
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