A Study on Violence against Women in Family (A focus on Turkey society)
Subject Areas : Woman and family
Keywords: Emotional violence, Verbal violence, Economical violence, Sexual violence, Legitimacy of violence, Concealing the violence, Gender role, Physical violence ,
Abstract :
In this paper we aim to study violence against women (by their husbands) as an important social issue (especially in Turkey). Here, we focus on the influential situation and the factors, explaining theories and appropriate solutions for preventing or treating this problem. We used the library method for collecting the data. Violence is defined as a behavior against the physical, intellectual, moral, and spiritual integrity, against property, cultural values or other kinds of symbolic values. Violence against wife (by husband) happens in different forms: emotional, verbal, economical, sexual and physical forms. Based on the findings of this study, among the influential factors on violence, we can mention economical problems such as poverty, drinking alcohol, not meeting the gender role expectations by wives or husbands, the others’ interference in the couple’s affairs. There are also some socialized beliefs which help the persistence of this problem. According to the researches in Turkey (which is considered as a main problem in many countries such as Iran), violence-affected women prefer to cover this problem and not report it to some people such as their relatives, the police, psychologists or social workers because they believe that they will be blamed by their relatives and alleged for being incapable of playing their role in the society. This situation prevents women from getting any social supportive helps. Finally, they have to tolerate this violent behavior which gradually changes to a habit. The common culture of the community also legitimates the violent behavior of men against women. Even the media, by broadcasting the television series and showing the men as the agent of violence and women as submitting to violence, reinforces this social problem as much as possible. Some psychological and sociological theories have explained violence: for example, Freud’s instinct oriented theory which considers violence as the result of projecting the death instinct towards the victim. Based on Moniz theory, violence is caused by neurological and physiological damage and is the result of bearing life pressures. Among these theories, Learning Theory has an especial place. Thinkers of this theory consider violence as a behavior model. It is learned during the socialization process in childhood by children who experience violence in their family. Findings of studies about the effects of violence on women show severe spiritual and mental effects such as depression, fear and anxiety, isolation and other kinds of phobia. In order to treat this problem or prevent it,at first it is necessary to solve cultural and mental obstacles which legitimate these kinds of violence. Then, implementing some methods such as empowering women, offering regular counseling services to both sides, institutional, legal and economic support of women, monitoring the media programs and reforming the economical structure seems necessary.
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