Subject Areas : Woman and family
رعنا ساکن آذری
پرویز عبدالتاجدینی
1 - . استادیار گروه روان شناسی ، واحد سراب . دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی . سراب ایران (نویسنده مسئول).
2 - استادیار گروه روان شناسی. واحد سراب ، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی . سراب ایران.
Abstract :
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- ctiveness assertive training of bullying prevention among adolescents in West Java Indonesia. International Journal of Nursing, 2(1): 128-134.
- Krain. A & Gotimer. K, (2007). Afunctional magnetic resonance imaging investigation of uncertainty in adolescents.Biological psychiatry article in press,38(6),347-356
- Lundqvist, L.O.(2013). Prevalence and risk markers of behavior problems among adults with intellectual disabilities: a total population study in orebro County, Sweden. Research Developmental Disabilities, 34(4), 1346-56.
- Schroeder, B. A., Messina, A., Schroeder, D., Good, K., Barto, S., Saylor, J., et al. (2012). The implementation of a statewide bullying prevention program: Preliminary findings from the field and the importance of coalitions. Health Promotion Practice, 13, 489–495.
- Tavakoli1, p., Setoodeh ,G., Dashtbozorgi , B., Sani ,H., Pakseresht,S. (2014). The influence of assertiveness training on self-esteem in female students of government high schools of Shiraz, Iran: A randomized controlled trial. Nursing Practice Today. 1,(1), 17-23.
- Walker, CD. Roberts, MC. (2001). Handbook of clinical child psychology. 3 rded. London: Wiley. Pp: 393.