A Criminological Look at Changing Sexuality and its Effect on Family from Jurisprudence and Criminal Law Perspective
Subject Areas : Woman and family
Keywords: Family, Transsexual change, criminology, Judicial policy, punishment,
Abstract :
Transsexuality is one of the issues that have recently been put forward in legal, social, and medical communities and has attracted the attention of the experts. "Transgender” means reversing gender from male to female and vice versa. The issues concerning bisexual people or bisexuality is not a novel phenomenon; rather, since past times there have lived people with bisexual disorders. Transsexualism and transvestism are two of sexual deviations. Regarding the definition for transgender, there is not complete consensus among the lawyers, sociologists, biologists, psychologists, scholars of ethics, and psyehiatrists. With regard to the importance of family, identifying the damages to this institution is also of great importance. The present research addresses such issues as the effect of transgender on committing illegitimate crimes, etc. Furthermore, it examines the various issues of transsexuality from the viewpoint of criminology. Finally, some points will be allotted to the problem of transgender from judicial policy perspective.
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