A Comparison of Motivational Beliefs, Self-regulated Strategies and Personality Characteristics and their Predictive Role in the Academic of Performance Gifted and Normal Students
Subject Areas : Woman and family
Keywords: gifted students, Academic Performance, motivational beliefs, Self–regulating strategies, Personality characteristics,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present research was to compare motivational beliefs, self- regulating strategies and personality characteristics and their predictive role in the academic performance of gifted and normal students.130 subjects (60 gifted and 70 normal students) participated in this study. The normal group was selected randomly from among girl students of Torbate-heydariyeh ordinary high schools. All participants were asked to complete the NEO scale and MSLQ questionnaire. The analysis of data revealed that regarding the personality factors and self- regulating strategies (cognitive and meta- cognitive strategies), there is a significant difference between gifted and normal students. Between the two groups‚ there is no significant difference in motivational beliefs. The regression analysis showed that extraversion, conscientiousness, openness, cognitive strategies and internal values can predict academic performance in all students, but when the relationships were analyzed separately, the results showed that exam anxiety solely predicts academic performance in normal students, and self regulating strategies solely predict academic performance in gifted students.
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