The Relationship between Family Flexibility and Identity Styles with the Mediating Role of Critical Thinking Dispositions in Adolescent Girls
Subject Areas : Woman and family
Keywords: Critical Thinking Disposition, family flexibility, Identity styles,
Abstract :
The present study aims to analyze the relationship between family flexibility and identity styles with the mediating role of critical thinking dispositions in adolescent girls. A sample of 306 girl students was chosen by Multi-stage cluster sampling method from among girl students of Kazerun high schools. The instruments used in this study are Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CTDI, Ricketts, 2003), Berzonsky Identity Styles Questionnaire (1989), and Shakeri Positive Flexibility (1382). The results of path analysis showed that family flexibility directly and indirectly affects critical thinking disposition and identity styles. Also, critical thinking disposition has a direct effect on the identity styles.
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