Elationship of Gender and Demographic Variables with the Feeling of Anomie among the Students of Islamic Azad University - Tabriz Branch
Subject Areas : Woman and family
Keywords: gender, marital status, Feeling of social anomie, socio- economic status, Age, Students.,
Abstract :
Anomie means normlessness conditions, moral emptiness, norms abeyance and anarchy. It is one of the social problems resulting from transient periods in every society. Of course, the young age of our country’s population enhances its importance. In this research, feeling of anomie is surveyed as the dependent variable through surveying independent variables - individual factors (age, gender, marital status, socio-economie status). The theories of sociologists such as Durkheim and Merton have been used in the research. The research is a survey and a sample of 385 students has been chosen by stratified random sampling .Pearsonُs correlation coefficient, T-test, and ANOVA have been used for the testing of the hypotheses. The research findings indicate that the amount of feeling of anomie in the students is higher than average (Average score 55.61 with standard deviation of 13.45 ). A significant difference in the feeling of anomie was not seen among the students of different age groups, gender and marital status. However, a significant relationship was seen between the feeling of anomie and the studentsُ socio- economic status.
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