A Study of the Factors Related to Value Conflict among the Students of Abhar Azad university in 2006
Subject Areas : Woman and family
Keywords: Values, Mass Media, Conflict, Family, Friends, traditionalism, Educational Centers ,
Abstract :
This article studies the factors related to value conflict among the students at Islamic Azad university –Abhar Branch .the purpose of the present research is to identify and determine the factors which are effective on the value conflict of the students. The method used in the present study was survey and documentary. Questionnaires were used as instrument. The statistical population was the students of Islamic Azad University –Abhar Branch. The method used for sampling was cluster along with systematic random and the sample size was 704 students.To evaluate the effective factors on value conflict, the views of sociologists and psychologists have been used. After testing the research hypothesis, the following results were obtained : there is a significant relationship between value conflict and the variables of relationship with the family, relationship with friends, using native mass media, using foreign mass media, traditionalism, age difference with mother, age and income size.
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