The Relation between Coping Strategies with Stress and Mental Health State of the Families of Addicts in Self-referring and Private Rehabilitation Centers of Guilan Province with Regard to Demographic Variables
Subject Areas : Woman and family
Keywords: Stress- Coping strategies with stress – mental health,
Abstract :
The present research studiesThe relation between coping strategies with stress and the mental health state in the families of the flying addicts in self referring and private rehab centers of Guilan province. For this purpose, 251 families (parents or spouses) who referred to self- referring and private rehab centers to break their children or spouses of addiction were selected by random sampling. The research method was cross sectional – descriptive, and the purpose of the research was to determine the relation between types of coping strategies with stress and mental health condition with regard to demographic variables. There fore, in order to collect data, the coping strategies questionnaire (C.S.Q) and mental Health The questionnaire (G.H.Q) were used, and finally The data were analyzed by descriptive statistical methods (average, standard deviation,…) and inferential statistics (correlation coefficient and regression). The Study of correlation coefficient between mental health and problem- focused, emotion- focused, and detachment strategies confirmed The relation up to above 99% Furthermore, The study showed lack of correlation between mental health and avoidance other words, There is a significant relation(0.05) between mental health and problem-focused strategy (r= 0/34) mental health and emotion-Focused strategy (r=0.50) and mental health and detachment strategy (r=0.18) Moredver, The relation between emoltion-focused strategy and mental health is (r= 0.034), which is not significant at & = 0.05. Also, there was a siginificant relation between problem- pocussed strategy and mental health condition with regard to demographic variables, and the relation was confirmed up to above 99% confidence level. The results of regression statistical test, the anticipation equation was the highest for the relation between problem-focused strategy and mental health condition. However, the relation between emotion-focused, detachment and avoidance strategies and mental health with regard to demographic varialbles was not significant.
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