Predicting emotional divorce based on lovemaking styles, emotional intelligence and psychological distress in couples
Subject Areas : Woman and family
Samane Ghadampour
Omid Amani
Mandana Shadi
Amane Ragheb Zade
1 - PhD student in psychology, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran
2 - PhD in Clinical Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author)
3 - Master of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran
4 - Master of Family Law, Department of Family Law, Mofid University, Qom, Iran
Keywords: emotional intelligence, psychological distress, emotional divorce, lovemaking styles,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was conducted to predict emotional divorce based on the styles of lovemaking, emotional intelligence and psychological distress in couples. The outline of the present study is descriptive correlational description. The statistical population of the study included all couples living in Shiraz in 1401 that 201 people were selected by sampling method. Data were collected online using Guttman's Emotional Divorce Research Questionnaire, Sternberg Love Psychology, Siberia Schering Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, and Kessler Distress Questionnaire, Were analyzed by Pearson correlation method and multiple linear regression analysis by SPSS27 software. The results of Pearson correlation test showed that there is a significant relationship between all predictor variables and the criterion of emotional divorce.The relationship between psychological distress and emotional divorce was positive and the relationship between love styles and emotional intelligence and its components was negative. The results of regression test showed that lovemaking, emotional intelligence and distress psychological styles explain 64% of the variance of emotional divorce, and emotional intelligence components were able to explain 48% of the variance of emotional divorce. Based on this, it can be said that the style of lovemaking, emotional intelligence and psychological distress are important components in creating a quality relationship between couples that can be effective in reducing the couple's emotional divorce and therefore, necessary trainings and actions in this field can be effective.The relationship between psychological distress and emotional divorce was positive and the relationship between love styles and emotional intelligence and its components was negative.The results of regression test showed that lovemaking, emotional intelligence and distress psychological styles explain 64% of the variance of emotional divorce, And emotional intelligence components were able to explain 48% of the variance of emotional divorce.Based on this, it can be said that the style of lovemaking, emotional intelligence and psychological distress are important components in creating a quality relationship between couples that can be effective in reducing the couple's emotional divorce and the necessary training and measures should be taken in this regard. They can be effective.
Amani, M., & Tayari, S. (2019). The relationship of maladaptive schemas with women's marital Intimacy: The mediating role of love styles. International Journal of Sociology of the Family,45(2), 43-54.
Bates, C., Terry, L., & Popple, K. (2016). Importance of Romantic Love to People with Learning Disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45(1), 64-72.
Batool, S. S., & Khalid, R. (2009). Role of emotional intelligence in marital relationship. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 24(1/2), 43-62.
Catherall, D. R. (2006). Emotional safety: Viewing couples through the lens of affect. Routledge.
Chen, M., & Yip, P. (2018). Decomposing the crude divorce rate in five countries: Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, the UK, and Australia. Asian population studies, 14(2), 137–152.
Damo, D. D., & Cenci, C. M. B. (2021). Emotional Divorce: Similarities and Differences According to the Position Occupied. Trends in Psychology, 29(3), 505-518.
Ferdowsi, A, H; Ghanbari, H. (2019). The relationship between emotional exhaustion and psychological distress with emotional divorce of Khorasan Higher Education Institute students. Studies in Psychology and Educational Sciences, (19) 4, 139-148.
Foran, H. M., O’Leary, K. D., & Williams, M. C. (2012). Emotional abilities in couples: A construct validation study. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 40(3), 189-207.
Ganth, D. B., Thiyagarajan, S., & Nigesh, K. (2013). Role of infertility, emotional intelligence and resilience on marital satisfaction among Indian couples. International Journal of Applied Psychology, 3(3), 31-37.
George, D., & Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 0/17 update (10a ed). Boston: Pearson.
Ghaebi panah, M., Keshavarzi Arshadi, F. (2021). Relationship between lovemaking styles and cognitive distortions skills with emotional divorce in women. Journal of Family Psychology, 7(2), 47-60.
Gottman, J.M. (1994). What predicts divorce? The relationship between marital processes and marital outcomes. Journal of Marriage and Family, 56, 783.
Hajihasani, M., & Sim, T. (2019). Marital satisfaction among girls with early marriage in Iran: Emotional intelligence and religious orientation. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 24(3), 297–306.
Hakimi Tehrani, L., Fatehi Zadeh, M. Baghban, I. & Ahmadi, S. A. (2013). Effectiveness of emotional security training on marital conflicts and subjective well-being of married women. Journal of Women and Society. 3(3): 105-25. [Persian].
Hendrick, C., & Hendrick, S. (1986). A theory and method of love. Journal of personality and social psychology, 50(2), 392.
Hosseini, F., & Alavi Langeroodi, S.K. (2017). Role of Attachment Styles and Marital Satisfaction on Sexual Satisfaction through Mediation of Love among Married Psychology Students of Yazd Azad University. Journal of Women Social and Psychological Studies, 15(3), 165-188. [In Persian].
Jamalnik, M., Falsafinejad, M. R., & Khodabakhshi-Koolaee, A. (2020). Long-term marital satisfaction: Couples’ narratives of the role of mate selection. Journal of Client-centered Nursing Care, 6(4), 267-76.
Johnson, S. M. (2004). Basic Principles Into Practice Series: The practice of emotionally focused couple therapy: Creating connection. Brunner-Routledge, New York, NY.
Jarwan, A. S., & Al-frehat, B. M. (2020). Emotional Divorce and Its Relationship with Psychological Hardiness. International Journal of Education and Practice, 8(1), 72-85.
Rafiee, S., & Jomhory, F. (2019). The Relationship between Marital Betrayal and Love Styles with Couples' Sexual Satisfaction. Sociology of Education Journal, 11, 141-149. [In Persian].
Karani, A., Deshpande, R., Jayswal, M., & Panda, R. (2022). Work-life balance and psychological distress: A structural equation modeling approach. Human Systems Management, 41(1), 1-15.
Kessler, R. C., Andrews, G., Colpe, L. J., Hiripi, E., Mroczek, D. K., Normand, S. L., & Zaslavsky, A. M. (2002). Short screening scales to monitor population prevalences and trends in non-specific psychological distress. Psychological medicine, 32(6), 959-976.
Lawrence, E. J., Shaw, P., Baker, D., Baron-Cohen, S., & David, A. S. (2016). The relationship love style and cummiunaction with marital commitment. Psychological Medicine, 34, 911-924.
Mahmoudi, G, R. Golshani, F, Norouzian, M. (2013). Comparison of attachment styles and love styles in parents with mentally retarded children and parents with normal children. Journal of Psychological Research, (21)6, 66-78.
Mansouri, B. (1382). Normation of Siberian Schering emotional intelligence test among master's students of public universities in Tehran. Master's thesis of Allameh Taba Tabai University, Tehran.
Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R. D. (2017). Emotional intelligence, health, and stress. The Handbook of Stress and Health: A Guide to Research and Practice, 312–326.
Musavi F, Reza zadeh M. (2015). Studying the role of attitude to love in predicting emotional divorce in men and women in Qazvin. Social Studies Women, 12(3): 169-188. [In Persian].
Omari, M., Zarrouq, B., Amaadour, L., Benbrahim, Z., El Asri, A., Mellas, N., & Halim, K. (2022). Psychological Distress, Coping Strategies, and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients Under Neoadjuvant Therapy: Protocol of a Systematic Review. Cancer Control, 29.
Pritamani, A. (2021). The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence, Relationship Satisfaction And Anger. MASTER'S THESIS. University of Mumbai.
Rafiee, S., & Jomhory, F. (2019). The Relationship between Marital Betrayal and Love Styles with Couples' Sexual Satisfaction. Sociology of Education Journal, 11, 141-149. [In Persian].
Rahmani, N. (2020). The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence, Attachment Style, And Self-Esteem IN Only Child Families AND Two-Children Families. MASTER'S THESIS. Near East University Graduate School OF Social Sciences General Psychology program.
Rossen, E., & Kranzler, J. H. (2009). Incremental validity of the Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test Version 2.0 (MSCEIT) after controlling for personality and intelligence. Journal of Research in Personality, 43(1), 60-65.
Sadeghzadeh, M., Khormaei, F., esfandyari, M. (2020). Exploring a Model for Explaining the Loneliness of Girl and Boy Students Based on the Dark Triad: Studying the mediating Role of Love Styles. Biannual Journal of Applied Counseling, 10(1), 89-112.
Shafer, K., Fielding, B., & Holmes, E. K. (2019). Depression, masculine norm adherence, and fathering behavior. Journal of Family Issues, 40(1), 48–84.
Stolarski, M., Postek, S., & Śmieja, M. (2011). Emotional intelligence and conflict resolution strategies in romantic heterosexual couples. Studia Psychologiczne, 49(5), 65-76.
Strenberg. J.R. (1986). a Triangular theory of Love. Psychological Review, 93(2), 119-135.
Sun, J., Liu, Q., & Yu, S. (2019). Child neglect, psychological abuse and smartphone addiction among Chinese adolescents: The roles of emotional intelligence and coping style. Computers in Human Behavior, 90, 74-83.
Sutton, T. E., Simons, L. G., Simons, R. L., & Cutrona, C. (2017). Psychological distress, couple interactions, and parenting: A dyadic analysis of African American couples. Journal of Marriage and Family, 79(3), 850–864.
Valentina, E. A., Chinyere, E. E., & Azuji, I. M. (2021). Emotional Intelligence as Correlate of Marital Satisfaction of Married Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Anambra State. World Journal of Innovative Research, 10(4), 122-127.
Yaghubi, H. (2016). Psychometric properties of the 10-question version of the Kessler's Psychological Distress scale (k-10). Journal of Applied psychology Research, 6(4), 45-57.
Amani, M., & Tayari, S. (2019). The relationship of maladaptive schemas with women's marital Intimacy: The mediating role of love styles. International Journal of Sociology of the Family,45(2), 43-54.
Bates, C., Terry, L., & Popple, K. (2016). Importance of Romantic Love to People with Learning Disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 45(1), 64-72.
Batool, S. S., & Khalid, R. (2009). Role of emotional intelligence in marital relationship. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 24(1/2), 43-62.
Catherall, D. R. (2006). Emotional safety: Viewing couples through the lens of affect. Routledge.
Chen, M., & Yip, P. (2018). Decomposing the crude divorce rate in five countries: Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, the UK, and Australia. Asian population studies, 14(2), 137–152.
Damo, D. D., & Cenci, C. M. B. (2021). Emotional Divorce: Similarities and Differences According to the Position Occupied. Trends in Psychology, 29(3), 505-518.
Ferdowsi, A, H; Ghanbari, H. (2019). The relationship between emotional exhaustion and psychological distress with emotional divorce of Khorasan Higher Education Institute students. Studies in Psychology and Educational Sciences, (19) 4, 139-148.
Foran, H. M., O’Leary, K. D., & Williams, M. C. (2012). Emotional abilities in couples: A construct validation study. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 40(3), 189-207.
Ganth, D. B., Thiyagarajan, S., & Nigesh, K. (2013). Role of infertility, emotional intelligence and resilience on marital satisfaction among Indian couples. International Journal of Applied Psychology, 3(3), 31-37.
George, D., & Mallery, M. (2010). SPSS for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference, 0/17 update (10a ed). Boston: Pearson.
Ghaebi panah, M., Keshavarzi Arshadi, F. (2021). Relationship between lovemaking styles and cognitive distortions skills with emotional divorce in women. Journal of Family Psychology, 7(2), 47-60.
Gottman, J.M. (1994). What predicts divorce? The relationship between marital processes and marital outcomes. Journal of Marriage and Family, 56, 783.
Hajihasani, M., & Sim, T. (2019). Marital satisfaction among girls with early marriage in Iran: Emotional intelligence and religious orientation. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 24(3), 297–306.
Hakimi Tehrani, L., Fatehi Zadeh, M. Baghban, I. & Ahmadi, S. A. (2013). Effectiveness of emotional security training on marital conflicts and subjective well-being of married women. Journal of Women and Society. 3(3): 105-25. [Persian].
Hendrick, C., & Hendrick, S. (1986). A theory and method of love. Journal of personality and social psychology, 50(2), 392.
Hosseini, F., & Alavi Langeroodi, S.K. (2017). Role of Attachment Styles and Marital Satisfaction on Sexual Satisfaction through Mediation of Love among Married Psychology Students of Yazd Azad University. Journal of Women Social and Psychological Studies, 15(3), 165-188. [In Persian].
Jamalnik, M., Falsafinejad, M. R., & Khodabakhshi-Koolaee, A. (2020). Long-term marital satisfaction: Couples’ narratives of the role of mate selection. Journal of Client-centered Nursing Care, 6(4), 267-76.
Johnson, S. M. (2004). Basic Principles Into Practice Series: The practice of emotionally focused couple therapy: Creating connection. Brunner-Routledge, New York, NY.
Jarwan, A. S., & Al-frehat, B. M. (2020). Emotional Divorce and Its Relationship with Psychological Hardiness. International Journal of Education and Practice, 8(1), 72-85.
Rafiee, S., & Jomhory, F. (2019). The Relationship between Marital Betrayal and Love Styles with Couples' Sexual Satisfaction. Sociology of Education Journal, 11, 141-149. [In Persian].
Karani, A., Deshpande, R., Jayswal, M., & Panda, R. (2022). Work-life balance and psychological distress: A structural equation modeling approach. Human Systems Management, 41(1), 1-15.
Kessler, R. C., Andrews, G., Colpe, L. J., Hiripi, E., Mroczek, D. K., Normand, S. L., & Zaslavsky, A. M. (2002). Short screening scales to monitor population prevalences and trends in non-specific psychological distress. Psychological medicine, 32(6), 959-976.
Lawrence, E. J., Shaw, P., Baker, D., Baron-Cohen, S., & David, A. S. (2016). The relationship love style and cummiunaction with marital commitment. Psychological Medicine, 34, 911-924.
Mahmoudi, G, R. Golshani, F, Norouzian, M. (2013). Comparison of attachment styles and love styles in parents with mentally retarded children and parents with normal children. Journal of Psychological Research, (21)6, 66-78.
Mansouri, B. (1382). Normation of Siberian Schering emotional intelligence test among master's students of public universities in Tehran. Master's thesis of Allameh Taba Tabai University, Tehran.
Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R. D. (2017). Emotional intelligence, health, and stress. The Handbook of Stress and Health: A Guide to Research and Practice, 312–326.
Musavi F, Reza zadeh M. (2015). Studying the role of attitude to love in predicting emotional divorce in men and women in Qazvin. Social Studies Women, 12(3): 169-188. [In Persian].
Omari, M., Zarrouq, B., Amaadour, L., Benbrahim, Z., El Asri, A., Mellas, N., & Halim, K. (2022). Psychological Distress, Coping Strategies, and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients Under Neoadjuvant Therapy: Protocol of a Systematic Review. Cancer Control, 29.
Pritamani, A. (2021). The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence, Relationship Satisfaction And Anger. MASTER'S THESIS. University of Mumbai.
Rafiee, S., & Jomhory, F. (2019). The Relationship between Marital Betrayal and Love Styles with Couples' Sexual Satisfaction. Sociology of Education Journal, 11, 141-149. [In Persian].
Rahmani, N. (2020). The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence, Attachment Style, And Self-Esteem IN Only Child Families AND Two-Children Families. MASTER'S THESIS. Near East University Graduate School OF Social Sciences General Psychology program.
Rossen, E., & Kranzler, J. H. (2009). Incremental validity of the Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test Version 2.0 (MSCEIT) after controlling for personality and intelligence. Journal of Research in Personality, 43(1), 60-65.
Sadeghzadeh, M., Khormaei, F., esfandyari, M. (2020). Exploring a Model for Explaining the Loneliness of Girl and Boy Students Based on the Dark Triad: Studying the mediating Role of Love Styles. Biannual Journal of Applied Counseling, 10(1), 89-112.
Shafer, K., Fielding, B., & Holmes, E. K. (2019). Depression, masculine norm adherence, and fathering behavior. Journal of Family Issues, 40(1), 48–84.
Stolarski, M., Postek, S., & Śmieja, M. (2011). Emotional intelligence and conflict resolution strategies in romantic heterosexual couples. Studia Psychologiczne, 49(5), 65-76.
Strenberg. J.R. (1986). a Triangular theory of Love. Psychological Review, 93(2), 119-135.
Sun, J., Liu, Q., & Yu, S. (2019). Child neglect, psychological abuse and smartphone addiction among Chinese adolescents: The roles of emotional intelligence and coping style. Computers in Human Behavior, 90, 74-83.
Sutton, T. E., Simons, L. G., Simons, R. L., & Cutrona, C. (2017). Psychological distress, couple interactions, and parenting: A dyadic analysis of African American couples. Journal of Marriage and Family, 79(3), 850–864.
Valentina, E. A., Chinyere, E. E., & Azuji, I. M. (2021). Emotional Intelligence as Correlate of Marital Satisfaction of Married Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Anambra State. World Journal of Innovative Research, 10(4), 122-127.
Yaghubi, H. (2016). Psychometric properties of the 10-question version of the Kessler's Psychological Distress scale (k-10). Journal of Applied psychology Research, 6(4), 45-57.