Effectiveness of family-based sensory-motor games in decrease of clinical symptoms in ADHD children
Subject Areas : Woman and family
Maryam Mostafavi
Masod Hejazi
Gholamali Afrouz
1 - Ph.D. in Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children. Islamic Azad University. Science and Research Branch, Tehran. Iran.
2 - * Associate Professor. Department of Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University. Zanjan. Iran
3 - Distinguished Professor. Department of Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children. Faculty of Psychology and Educational science. University of Tehran. Iran
Keywords: Sensory-Motor Games, Family Based Intervention, ADHD Children,
Abstract :
The present research is aimed at determining the effectiveness of family sensory-motor games in decrease of clinical symptoms in children with attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This research is a semi-experimental study with pretest-posttest design and control group. The research population includes all the children (of 8-11 years old) in Zanjan during the academic year 2017-2018. 4 schools were selected from districts 1 and 2, Zanjan by cluster (random) sampling. 20 students were selected out of those who were affected by attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. After homogenizing the samples in terms of age, gender, and ADHD severity, they were assigned to experiment (10 people) and control (10 people) groups. ADHD diagnosis was done based on Snap and Conners’ IV parent scale. The subjects of the experimental group participated in family sensory-motor games for 8 weeks (sixteen 90-min sessions). Collected data were analyzed through covariance analysis . The results suggested that the performed interventions have significantly decreased the clinical symptoms of ADHD children (with the affect intensity of 0.88) in Experimental group. It can be concluded that this intervention can effectively decrease the symptoms of children with ADHD.
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