The prediction of Marital Satisfaction based on Time Perspective, Inferiority Feelings, Sexual Anxiety in women with uterine diseases
Subject Areas : Woman and familySomaye Samadi 1 , Reza Ilbeigy 2 *
1 - M.A. Student in General Psychology, faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology, Eqbal Lahouri University, Mashhad, Iran
2 - * Assist prof in Psychology, faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology, Eqbal Lahouri University, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: marital satisfaction, time perspective, Sexual Anxiety, Inferiority Feelings, women with uterine diseases,
Abstract :
This study aimed To investigate the prediction of Marital Satisfaction based on Time Perspective, Inferiority Feelings, Sexual Anxiety in women with uterine diseases. The descriptive- correlation method was used. The statistical population consisted of all the married female with uterine diseases in Mashhad in spring of 2022. In this study, according to convenience sampling method, 223 married women with uterine diseases were selected as samples and they were asked to fill in the Time Perspective Inventory of Zimbardo (1999), feeling of inferiority scale of Dixon & strano (1990), Sexual self-concept of Snell (1995) and marital satisfaction scale Enrich of Olson, Fournier & Druckman (1987). The data were analyzed by tests of Pearson correlation and stepwise regression. SPSS-23 software was used for data analysis. Findings showed that there was a negative significant correlation between Inferiority Feelings, Sexual Anxiety and Marital satisfaction also there was positive significant correlation between Past negative and Present fatalistic with Marital satisfaction, in women with uterine diseases. Regression analyses also revealed that %40/4 of variance of Marital Satisfaction was explained by Inferiority Feelings, Sexual Anxiety and Past negative (p< 0.01). Considering the effect of life experiences and physical and mental illnesses on marital satisfaction, it is suggested to pay attention to this important issue in developing couple therapy programs.
Akdogan, R., & Cimsir, E. (2019). Linking inferiority feeling to subjective happiness: Self-concealment and loneliness as serial mediators. Personality and Individual Defferences,149,14-20.
Aliakbaridehkordi. M., Mohamadi. A., Alipor. A., & Mohtashami. T. (2017). The effect of Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy on increasing marital adjustment domains in patients with vaginismus. Biannual Journal of Applied Counseling, 2(1), 49-62. [in Persian]
Alizadefard. S., Mohamadniya. M., & Zimbardo. F. G. (2016). The Model of Relationship Between Time Perspective Dimensions and Marital Satisfaction With Considering the Mediative Role of Psychological Wellbeing. Journal of Family Research, 12(2), 197-214. [in Persian]
Bigras, N., Daspe, M. È., Godbout, N., Brière, J., & Sabourin, S. (2017) . Cumulative childhood trauma and adult sexual satisfaction: Mediation by affect dysregulation and sexual anxiety in men and women . Journal of Sex & Marital Th erapy, 43(4), 377-396.
Brassard. A., Dupuy. E., Bergeron. S., & Shaver. P. R. (2015). Attachment insecurities and woman`s sexual function and satisfaction: The mediating roles of sexual self-esteem, sexual anxiety and sexual assertiveness. J sexres, 52(1), 110-119.
Cimsir, E., & Akdoğan, R. (2019). Yalnızlık ve yetersizlik duygusu arasındaki ilişkidekendini saklamanın aracı rolü. Self-Concealment as a mediator in the relationshipbetween ınferiority feelings and loneliness. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences Internetional (AJESI), 9(1), 111–128.
Damghanian, M., Khakbazan, Z., & Mokhah, S. (2020). Latest Treatment Techniques Of Myoma: A Review Article. Journal Of Medical Council Of I.R.I, 37 (4), 213-219. [in Persian]
Dang, S. S., Northey , L., Dunkley, C. R., Rigby, R. A., & Gorzalka , B. B. ( 2018 ). Sexual anxiety and sexual beliefs as mediatorsof the association between attachment orientation with sexual functioning and distress in university men and women . The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 27( 1 ), 21 – 32.
Dang. S. S., Northey. L., Dunkley. C. R., Rigby. R A., & Gorzalka. B. B. (2018). Sexual anxiety and sexual beliefs as mediators of theassociation between attachment orientation with sexual functioning and distress in university men and women. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 27(1), 21-32.
Dewitte, M., De Schrijver, M., Heider, N.,& De Houwer, J. (2017). The actual and ideal sexual self concept in the context of genital pain using implicit and explicit measures. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14(5), 702–714.
Durbin. C. P. G. (2007). Alfred Adlerʼs understanding of inferiority. Retrieved
Flynn. K. E., Lin , L., Bruner. D. W., Cyranowski. J. M., Hahn. E. A., Jeffery. D. D., Reese. J. B., Reeve. B. B., Shelby. R. A., & Weinfurt. K. P. (2016). Sexual satisfaction and the importance of sexual health to quality of life throughout the life course of US adults . The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 13( 11 ), 1642 – 1650.
Ghaderi. Z., Gholtash. A., & Ketabchi.M. (2019). To compare the level of marital satisfaction and life expectancy between Hysterectomized and normal women. Journal of Woman & Society, 9(4), 235-252. [in Persian]
Giuliani. M., Cosmi. V., Pierleoni. L., Recinea. A., Pieroni. M., Ticino. A., Porpora. M. G., & Simonelli. C. (2016). Quality of life and sexual satisfaction in women suffering from endometriosis: An Italian preliminary study. Sexologies, 25, 12-19.
Haqshenas. S., & Babakhani. N. (2018). Prediction of marital satisfaction based on Coping Skills and Time perspective. Journal of Family Research, 13(4), 569-584. [in Persian]
Hemati. L., Shayan. A, & Soltani. F. (2020). Prediction of Sexual Anxiety of Women on the Brink of Marriage According to Knowledge and Sexual Attitude. Journal of Education and Community Health, 7(2), 113-118. [in Persian]
Hopkinson. J. B., Fenlon. D. R., Okamoto. I., Wright. D. N., Scott. I., & Addington-Hall JM, et al. (2010). The deliverability, acceptability, and perceived effect of the Macmillan approach to weight loss and eating difficulties: a phase II, cluster-randomized, exploratory trial of a psychosocial intervention for weight-and eating-related distress in people with advanced cancer. J Pain Symptom Manage, 40(5), 684-695.
Kennis, M., Duecker, F., T’Sjoen, G., T. Sack, A., & Dewitte, M. (2022). Sexual Self-Concept Discrepancies Mediate the Relation between Gender Dysphoria Sexual Esteem and Sexual Attitudes in Binary Transgender Individuals. The Journal of Sex Research, 59(4), 524-536.
Khalili. R., Bahmani. B., Khanjani. M. S., & Vahedi. M. (2021). The Relationship between Attitude towards Extramarital affairs with the Feeling of Inferiority, Locus of Control, and Practice of Religious Beliefs in Wives of Addicted Men. Journal of Assessment and Research in Counseling and Psychology, 1(7), 28-37. [in Persian]
Lafortune, D., Canivet, C., Boislard, M. A., & Godbout, N. (2021). Validation of a Brief French Version of the Sexual Anxety Scale. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality,30(1), 94–105.
Lavner, J. A. Karney, B. R. & Bradbury, T. N. (2016) . Does couples' communication predict marital satisfaction, or does marital satisfaction predict communication? Journalof Marriage and Family. 78(3), 680-694.
Li, x,. Wang, Ch,. Lyu, H,. Worrell, F,. & Mello, Z. (2021). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. Current Psychology.
McCool, M., Zuelke, A., Theurich, M., Knuettel, H., Ricci, C.,& Apfelbacher, C. (2016). Prevalence of Female Sexual Dysfunction Among Premenopausal Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. Sexual Medicine Reviews, 4(3), 197-212.
McKay. M. T., Worrell. F. C., Temple. E. C., Perry. J., Cole. J. C., & Mello. Z. R. (2015). Less is not always more: The case of the 36-item short form of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. Personality and Individual Differences, 72, 68–71.
Neisani Samani. L., Moradi, S., & Abolghasemi. S. (2019). Evaluation of sexual function and marital satisfaction of women with genital cancers referred to selected medical centers in Tehran. Nursing and Midwifery Iran University of Medical Sciences. [in Persian]
Olson, D. H., Fournier, D. G., & Druckman, J. M. (1986). Counselor`s manual for prepare//Enrich(Rev.ed).Minneapolis.
Pirzade. M., Banisi. P., & Vatankhah. H. R. (2019). [The prediction of attitudes toward infidelity based on sexual satisfaction, marital quality relationship and marital satisfaction young married women]. Journal of New Advances in Behavioral Sciences, 4(39), 16-32.
Przepiorka, A., Sobol-Kwapinska, M., & Jankowski, T. (2016). A Polish short version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 78–89.
Rehman, U. S., Lizdek, I., Fallis, E. E., Sutherland, S., & Goodnight, J. A. (2017). How is sexual communication different from nonsexual communication? A moment-by-moment analysis of discussions between romantic partners. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46(8), 2339–2352.
Reisy. L., Lamieeyan, M. N., & Hajizade. E. (2012). The effect of abdominal Hysterectomy on the mental image of women. Payeshjournal, 11(5), 637-642. [in Persian]
Robert. E., & Pyke. M. D. (2020). Sexual Performance Anxiety. Sexual Medicine Reviews, 2(8), 183-190.
Roch. J. A., & Jones. H. W.(2015). Telindes operative gynecology. 9thed. Philadelphia Lippincott Willims Wilkins Publication, 799-845.
Saberi, H., Salahiyan, A., & Amiri, M. (2022). Presenting a model for predicting women's sexual performance based on childhood trauma with the mediating role of sexual self-concept. Psychology of Woman Journal, 2(4), 43-52.
Saffarinia, M., Aghayousefi, A.R., Hoseinian, S., & Mehmannavazan, A. (2017). The Effectiveness of Adlerian sychotherapy According of Life Style, Social Interest on the Feeling of Inferiority and Social Well-Being of Betrayed Women. Journal of Socialpsychology Researches, 7(26), 97-118. [in Persian]
Samadiyan. SH., Bagheriyan, F., & Asgari. A. (2017). Validation, validation and standardization of the comparative index of inferiority. Journal of Applied Psychology, 11(41), 103-120. [in Persian]
Schoenfeld EA, Loving TJ, Pope MT, Huston TL, & Štulhofer A. (2017). Does Sex Really Matter? Examining the Connections Between Spouses' Nonsexual Behaviors, Sexual Frequency, Sexual Satisfaction, and Marital Satisfaction. Arch Sex Behav, 46(2), 489-501.
Shahverdi. J., Rezaei. M., Ayazi roozbahani. M., Sadeghi. K.h., Bakhtiari, M., & Shahverdi. M. (2015). Relationship between general health with happiness, inferiority feels and marital conflict in Borujerd city infertile woman. Journal of School of Nursing and Midwifery, 25(90), 47-54. [in Persian]
Silvain. S. D., Northey. L., Dunkley. C. R., Rigby. R.A., & Gorzalka. B. B. (2019). Sexual anxiety and sexual beliefs as mediators of the association between attachment orientation with sexual functioning and distress in university men and women. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 27(1), 21-32.
Słowik. A. J., Jabłoński. M. J., Michałowska-Kaczmarczyk. A. M., & Jach. R. (2017). Evaluation of quality of life in women with breast cancer, with particular emphasis on sexual satisfaction,future perspectives and body image, dependingon the method of surgery. Psychiatr, 51(5), 871–888.
Snell, W. E., Fisher, T. D., & Walters, A. S. (1993). The Multidimensional Sexuality Questionnaire associated with human Sexuality. Annuls of Sex Research, 6 , 27-55.
Stewart, E, A., Cookson, C, L., Gandolfo, RA., & Schulze-Rath, R. (2017). Epidemiology of uterine fibroids: a systemic review. An Intenational Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology, 1501-1512.
Strano, D. A. & Dixon, p. N. (1990). The comparative feeling of inferiority index. The Journal of Individual Psychology, 46(1), 29-42.
Tarnas, G., Meschi, F., Shahnazari, M., Sodagar, S., & Asgharpour, M. (2021). The Prediction Of Women's Sexual Function Based On The Role Of Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy, And Sexual Awareness. Journal of Applied Family Therapy, 2(3), 149-165. [in Persian]
Tavakol, Z., Nikbakht, A. R., Behboodi Moghadam, Z., Salehiniya, H., & Rezaei, E. (2017). A Review of the Factors Associated with Marital Satisfaction. GMJ, 6(3), 197-207.
Teimoori Asifchi, A., Lavasani, M., & Bakhshayesh, A. (2013). Predicting marital satisfaction on the basis of attachment styles and differentiation of self. Journal of Family Research, 8(4), 441-463. [in Persian].
Wajtukiz, A. (2018). Aching for the modern body:Chinese women’s consumption of cosmetic surgery, unpublished dissertation, University of Utah.
Worrell, F. C., Temple, E. C., McKay, M. T., Živkovič, U., Perry, J.L., Mello, Z. R., Musil, B., & Cole, J. C. (2016). A theoretical approach to resolving the psychometric problems associated with the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory: Results from the USA, Australia, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 34, 41–51.
Xie, J., Shi, Y., & Ma, H. (2017). Relationship between similarity in work-family centrality and marital satisfaction among dual-earner couples. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences,113, 75-80.
Xie, J., Zhou, Z. E., & Gong, Y. (2018). Relationship between proactive personality and marital satisfaction: A spillover-crossover perspective. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences,128, 75-80.
Yaghoobzadeh, A., Soleimani, M. A., Bahrami, N., Hatef Matbue, Y,. & Padash Amleshi, B. (2018). Predictors of Sexual Function in Gynecologic Cancer Patients. Scientific Journal of Hamadan Nursing & Midwifery Faculty, 26 (2), 63- 71. [in Persian]
Zewdu, G. (2022). Marital Communication as Moderators of the Relationship between Marital Conflict Resolutionand Marital Satisfaction. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 1-12.
Zimbardo,P., & Boyd, J. (2009). The Time Paradox: The New Psychology Of Time That Will Change Your Life, UK, Atria Books.
Akdogan, R., & Cimsir, E. (2019). Linking inferiority feeling to subjective happiness: Self-concealment and loneliness as serial mediators. Personality and Individual Defferences,149,14-20.
Aliakbaridehkordi. M., Mohamadi. A., Alipor. A., & Mohtashami. T. (2017). The effect of Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy on increasing marital adjustment domains in patients with vaginismus. Biannual Journal of Applied Counseling, 2(1), 49-62. [in Persian]
Alizadefard. S., Mohamadniya. M., & Zimbardo. F. G. (2016). The Model of Relationship Between Time Perspective Dimensions and Marital Satisfaction With Considering the Mediative Role of Psychological Wellbeing. Journal of Family Research, 12(2), 197-214. [in Persian]
Bigras, N., Daspe, M. È., Godbout, N., Brière, J., & Sabourin, S. (2017) . Cumulative childhood trauma and adult sexual satisfaction: Mediation by affect dysregulation and sexual anxiety in men and women . Journal of Sex & Marital Th erapy, 43(4), 377-396.
Brassard. A., Dupuy. E., Bergeron. S., & Shaver. P. R. (2015). Attachment insecurities and woman`s sexual function and satisfaction: The mediating roles of sexual self-esteem, sexual anxiety and sexual assertiveness. J sexres, 52(1), 110-119.
Cimsir, E., & Akdoğan, R. (2019). Yalnızlık ve yetersizlik duygusu arasındaki ilişkidekendini saklamanın aracı rolü. Self-Concealment as a mediator in the relationshipbetween ınferiority feelings and loneliness. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences Internetional (AJESI), 9(1), 111–128.
Damghanian, M., Khakbazan, Z., & Mokhah, S. (2020). Latest Treatment Techniques Of Myoma: A Review Article. Journal Of Medical Council Of I.R.I, 37 (4), 213-219. [in Persian]
Dang, S. S., Northey , L., Dunkley, C. R., Rigby, R. A., & Gorzalka , B. B. ( 2018 ). Sexual anxiety and sexual beliefs as mediatorsof the association between attachment orientation with sexual functioning and distress in university men and women . The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 27( 1 ), 21 – 32.
Dang. S. S., Northey. L., Dunkley. C. R., Rigby. R A., & Gorzalka. B. B. (2018). Sexual anxiety and sexual beliefs as mediators of theassociation between attachment orientation with sexual functioning and distress in university men and women. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 27(1), 21-32.
Dewitte, M., De Schrijver, M., Heider, N.,& De Houwer, J. (2017). The actual and ideal sexual self concept in the context of genital pain using implicit and explicit measures. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14(5), 702–714.
Durbin. C. P. G. (2007). Alfred Adlerʼs understanding of inferiority. Retrieved
Flynn. K. E., Lin , L., Bruner. D. W., Cyranowski. J. M., Hahn. E. A., Jeffery. D. D., Reese. J. B., Reeve. B. B., Shelby. R. A., & Weinfurt. K. P. (2016). Sexual satisfaction and the importance of sexual health to quality of life throughout the life course of US adults . The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 13( 11 ), 1642 – 1650.
Ghaderi. Z., Gholtash. A., & Ketabchi.M. (2019). To compare the level of marital satisfaction and life expectancy between Hysterectomized and normal women. Journal of Woman & Society, 9(4), 235-252. [in Persian]
Giuliani. M., Cosmi. V., Pierleoni. L., Recinea. A., Pieroni. M., Ticino. A., Porpora. M. G., & Simonelli. C. (2016). Quality of life and sexual satisfaction in women suffering from endometriosis: An Italian preliminary study. Sexologies, 25, 12-19.
Haqshenas. S., & Babakhani. N. (2018). Prediction of marital satisfaction based on Coping Skills and Time perspective. Journal of Family Research, 13(4), 569-584. [in Persian]
Hemati. L., Shayan. A, & Soltani. F. (2020). Prediction of Sexual Anxiety of Women on the Brink of Marriage According to Knowledge and Sexual Attitude. Journal of Education and Community Health, 7(2), 113-118. [in Persian]
Hopkinson. J. B., Fenlon. D. R., Okamoto. I., Wright. D. N., Scott. I., & Addington-Hall JM, et al. (2010). The deliverability, acceptability, and perceived effect of the Macmillan approach to weight loss and eating difficulties: a phase II, cluster-randomized, exploratory trial of a psychosocial intervention for weight-and eating-related distress in people with advanced cancer. J Pain Symptom Manage, 40(5), 684-695.
Kennis, M., Duecker, F., T’Sjoen, G., T. Sack, A., & Dewitte, M. (2022). Sexual Self-Concept Discrepancies Mediate the Relation between Gender Dysphoria Sexual Esteem and Sexual Attitudes in Binary Transgender Individuals. The Journal of Sex Research, 59(4), 524-536.
Khalili. R., Bahmani. B., Khanjani. M. S., & Vahedi. M. (2021). The Relationship between Attitude towards Extramarital affairs with the Feeling of Inferiority, Locus of Control, and Practice of Religious Beliefs in Wives of Addicted Men. Journal of Assessment and Research in Counseling and Psychology, 1(7), 28-37. [in Persian]
Lafortune, D., Canivet, C., Boislard, M. A., & Godbout, N. (2021). Validation of a Brief French Version of the Sexual Anxety Scale. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality,30(1), 94–105.
Lavner, J. A. Karney, B. R. & Bradbury, T. N. (2016) . Does couples' communication predict marital satisfaction, or does marital satisfaction predict communication? Journalof Marriage and Family. 78(3), 680-694.
Li, x,. Wang, Ch,. Lyu, H,. Worrell, F,. & Mello, Z. (2021). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. Current Psychology.
McCool, M., Zuelke, A., Theurich, M., Knuettel, H., Ricci, C.,& Apfelbacher, C. (2016). Prevalence of Female Sexual Dysfunction Among Premenopausal Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. Sexual Medicine Reviews, 4(3), 197-212.
McKay. M. T., Worrell. F. C., Temple. E. C., Perry. J., Cole. J. C., & Mello. Z. R. (2015). Less is not always more: The case of the 36-item short form of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. Personality and Individual Differences, 72, 68–71.
Neisani Samani. L., Moradi, S., & Abolghasemi. S. (2019). Evaluation of sexual function and marital satisfaction of women with genital cancers referred to selected medical centers in Tehran. Nursing and Midwifery Iran University of Medical Sciences. [in Persian]
Olson, D. H., Fournier, D. G., & Druckman, J. M. (1986). Counselor`s manual for prepare//Enrich(Rev.ed).Minneapolis.
Pirzade. M., Banisi. P., & Vatankhah. H. R. (2019). [The prediction of attitudes toward infidelity based on sexual satisfaction, marital quality relationship and marital satisfaction young married women]. Journal of New Advances in Behavioral Sciences, 4(39), 16-32.
Przepiorka, A., Sobol-Kwapinska, M., & Jankowski, T. (2016). A Polish short version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 78–89.
Rehman, U. S., Lizdek, I., Fallis, E. E., Sutherland, S., & Goodnight, J. A. (2017). How is sexual communication different from nonsexual communication? A moment-by-moment analysis of discussions between romantic partners. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46(8), 2339–2352.
Reisy. L., Lamieeyan, M. N., & Hajizade. E. (2012). The effect of abdominal Hysterectomy on the mental image of women. Payeshjournal, 11(5), 637-642. [in Persian]
Robert. E., & Pyke. M. D. (2020). Sexual Performance Anxiety. Sexual Medicine Reviews, 2(8), 183-190.
Roch. J. A., & Jones. H. W.(2015). Telindes operative gynecology. 9thed. Philadelphia Lippincott Willims Wilkins Publication, 799-845.
Saberi, H., Salahiyan, A., & Amiri, M. (2022). Presenting a model for predicting women's sexual performance based on childhood trauma with the mediating role of sexual self-concept. Psychology of Woman Journal, 2(4), 43-52.
Saffarinia, M., Aghayousefi, A.R., Hoseinian, S., & Mehmannavazan, A. (2017). The Effectiveness of Adlerian sychotherapy According of Life Style, Social Interest on the Feeling of Inferiority and Social Well-Being of Betrayed Women. Journal of Socialpsychology Researches, 7(26), 97-118. [in Persian]
Samadiyan. SH., Bagheriyan, F., & Asgari. A. (2017). Validation, validation and standardization of the comparative index of inferiority. Journal of Applied Psychology, 11(41), 103-120. [in Persian]
Schoenfeld EA, Loving TJ, Pope MT, Huston TL, & Štulhofer A. (2017). Does Sex Really Matter? Examining the Connections Between Spouses' Nonsexual Behaviors, Sexual Frequency, Sexual Satisfaction, and Marital Satisfaction. Arch Sex Behav, 46(2), 489-501.
Shahverdi. J., Rezaei. M., Ayazi roozbahani. M., Sadeghi. K.h., Bakhtiari, M., & Shahverdi. M. (2015). Relationship between general health with happiness, inferiority feels and marital conflict in Borujerd city infertile woman. Journal of School of Nursing and Midwifery, 25(90), 47-54. [in Persian]
Silvain. S. D., Northey. L., Dunkley. C. R., Rigby. R.A., & Gorzalka. B. B. (2019). Sexual anxiety and sexual beliefs as mediators of the association between attachment orientation with sexual functioning and distress in university men and women. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 27(1), 21-32.
Słowik. A. J., Jabłoński. M. J., Michałowska-Kaczmarczyk. A. M., & Jach. R. (2017). Evaluation of quality of life in women with breast cancer, with particular emphasis on sexual satisfaction,future perspectives and body image, dependingon the method of surgery. Psychiatr, 51(5), 871–888.
Snell, W. E., Fisher, T. D., & Walters, A. S. (1993). The Multidimensional Sexuality Questionnaire associated with human Sexuality. Annuls of Sex Research, 6 , 27-55.
Stewart, E, A., Cookson, C, L., Gandolfo, RA., & Schulze-Rath, R. (2017). Epidemiology of uterine fibroids: a systemic review. An Intenational Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology, 1501-1512.
Strano, D. A. & Dixon, p. N. (1990). The comparative feeling of inferiority index. The Journal of Individual Psychology, 46(1), 29-42.
Tarnas, G., Meschi, F., Shahnazari, M., Sodagar, S., & Asgharpour, M. (2021). The Prediction Of Women's Sexual Function Based On The Role Of Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy, And Sexual Awareness. Journal of Applied Family Therapy, 2(3), 149-165. [in Persian]
Tavakol, Z., Nikbakht, A. R., Behboodi Moghadam, Z., Salehiniya, H., & Rezaei, E. (2017). A Review of the Factors Associated with Marital Satisfaction. GMJ, 6(3), 197-207.
Teimoori Asifchi, A., Lavasani, M., & Bakhshayesh, A. (2013). Predicting marital satisfaction on the basis of attachment styles and differentiation of self. Journal of Family Research, 8(4), 441-463. [in Persian].
Wajtukiz, A. (2018). Aching for the modern body:Chinese women’s consumption of cosmetic surgery, unpublished dissertation, University of Utah.
Worrell, F. C., Temple, E. C., McKay, M. T., Živkovič, U., Perry, J.L., Mello, Z. R., Musil, B., & Cole, J. C. (2016). A theoretical approach to resolving the psychometric problems associated with the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory: Results from the USA, Australia, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 34, 41–51.
Xie, J., Shi, Y., & Ma, H. (2017). Relationship between similarity in work-family centrality and marital satisfaction among dual-earner couples. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences,113, 75-80.
Xie, J., Zhou, Z. E., & Gong, Y. (2018). Relationship between proactive personality and marital satisfaction: A spillover-crossover perspective. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences,128, 75-80.
Yaghoobzadeh, A., Soleimani, M. A., Bahrami, N., Hatef Matbue, Y,. & Padash Amleshi, B. (2018). Predictors of Sexual Function in Gynecologic Cancer Patients. Scientific Journal of Hamadan Nursing & Midwifery Faculty, 26 (2), 63- 71. [in Persian]
Zewdu, G. (2022). Marital Communication as Moderators of the Relationship between Marital Conflict Resolutionand Marital Satisfaction. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 1-12.
Zimbardo,P., & Boyd, J. (2009). The Time Paradox: The New Psychology Of Time That Will Change Your Life, UK, Atria Books.