Evaluation of water quality changes in Karun river for drinking
Subject Areas : Water and EnvironmentMoslem Kianpoor barjooi raki 1 , Ehsan Drikvand 2 *
1 - Department of Water Sciences, Shooshtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shooshtar, Iran
2 - Department of Water Sciences, Shooshtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shooshtar, Iran
Keywords: Water Quality, GIS, Karun river, Schuler,
Abstract :
Karun River is the most watery and longest river in the country, which has a strategic position in the western and southwestern regions of Iran due to the existence of numerous industrial centers and agricultural lands and large cities on its shores, and optimal monitoring of water quality is a national necessity. For this purpose, in the present study, the quality of this river was investigated using chemical parameters, TDS TH, So4, CL, Ca, HCO3 Na, and Mg in nine quality measuring stations of water quality changes in Karun river in the period 12/13/2017 to 06/06/2017. . Then, by IDW method, the chemical zoning of water chemical parameters was determined and according to water quality control indicators such as Schuler index, the quality of each of them was determined for drinking consumption. According to Schuler diagram divisions, the quality of Shahid Abbaspour Dam station has changed from acceptable to excellent during this period. Tang Dolab has turned from a completely unsuitable range into non-drinkable. In fact, the decrease in the amount of water in September has caused an increase in solutes in Tang Dolab and Vali Abad stations.