Locating Potential Areas for Drinking Water Harvesting by Integrating Multi-criteria and Fuzzy Decision Making (Case Study of Baghmalek County)
Subject Areas : Water Resourcesyousef zamanzadeh 1 , hossein eslami 2 *
1 - Civil Engineering-Water, Faculty of Water Sciences, Shooshtar, Iran
2 - water engineering department, water science faculty, Islamic azad university, shoushtar branch, shoushtar
Keywords: Water Quality, GIS, Location, fuzzy hierarchical analysis,
Abstract :
Assessing and monitoring groundwater quality is always an important challenge that is associated with specific problems. In order to use groundwater for drinking, its quality must be examined. In this study, the quality of groundwater used in drinking water in Baghmalek plain was investigated. For this purpose, the groundwater of this area was initially classified according to eight important parameters that have a decisive role in the quality of groundwater. These 8 parameters are: Cl (Cl), Sodium (Na), Water hardness (TH), Bicarbonate (HCO3), Sulfate (SO4), Total dissolved solids (TDS), Magnesium (Mg) and Calcium (Ca). , Then the weight of each of the main factors was determined by AHP hierarchical method and the different information layers were merged based on the resulting weights and finally a raster map was obtained using GIS software and layers integration. In the hierarchical analysis, according to the experts, the TDS parameter had the highest weight. The results of qualitative evaluation indicate that about 88% of the study area is in good and acceptable range and about 12% is inappropriate and very inappropriate.