Numerical Analysis of the Scouring Pattern of Straight Spur with Different Permeability in the River Route
Subject Areas : hydraulic structuresnaser ghanie 1 * , Abbas mansori 2
1 - Civil Engineering Structures, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Flow 3D, Scouring, Spur, Flow Depth,
Abstract :
In this research, a numerical study on the series of straight spur in clear water conditions with a Permeability of 0, 35 and 50%. and the effect of grain size, and also hydraulic condition on scouring around them, and in order to Numerical analysis of the Effect of straight spur Permeability on current Pattern and Scouring Using Model flow 3 d the results show that in fixed distance between spures, with flow increases, the scour depth increases.. In constant flow, by increasing distance between spures, the amount of relative scour depth is decreasing and the most of depth of scour occurs in vicinity of first spure. Also, in fixed grain size, by increasing the froude number, also the amount of relative scour depth is increasing.