Landfill site selection Using Analytic hierarchical Process and fuzzy method (case study city of Susa)
Subject Areas : watere sciencesamir foroghian 1 , hossein eslami 2 * , ehsan derikvand 3
1 - Phd student of shoushtar branch
2 - water engineering department, water science faculty, Islamic azad university, shoushtar branch, shoushtar
3 - water science department, shoushtar azad university
Keywords: AHP, geographical information system, Susa, Waste,
Abstract :
One of the important environmental problems is finding a place suitable for municipal solid waste disposal (Landfill). Choose the wrong place causing damage to the environment, human health and pollution of surface and groundwater. Several factors affect landfill site selection and there are different ways to this issue. In this paper, GIS and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) have been used to identify suitable locations for landfill in the city of Susa. For this purpose, four main factors selected that have a substantial impact on the landfill site selection consisting of technical and operational criteria, ecological and biological, socioeconomic and physical. According to these criteria, 15 information layers prepared. The final score of the parameters were calculated by using the paired comparison. After combining 15 data layer using fuzzy analysis and AHP method and helping ARC GIS software, the final map was prepared for Solid Waste. Based on the results, western parts of the city of Susa were proposed for landfill. Because of the great distance from the city of Susa and lack of proper access road, this section has been ignored as the best place appropriate waste disposal. A closer look at the result, 3 regions, with the suitable level of value, range and access road, were determined.