Reviewing The Financial Rights Of The Wife During Marriage
Subject Areas : Religion and jurisprudenceShokofeh Zayernoori1 1 * , Ali Bahri (Tayebi) 2
1 - Islamic Azad University Qom Branch, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Qom, Iran.
2 - Islamic Azad University Qom Branch, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Qom, Iran.
Abstract :
Marriage contract is a mean that initiate legal rights for the both involved couples. It included both the financial and non-financial rights. The couple financial rights could be divided into three periods: 1) during the marriage, 2) After the divorce, 3) after the death. The allocated financial rights for the wife that resulted from the marriage included the alimony, compensation and dowry. The research aimed to review the financial rights of woman in Shiite Jurisprudence and Iranian laws during the marriage. The research methods was a descriptive- analytical. The study concluded that "Mahr"(alimony) is one of the pillars of marriage and it is the amount of money that the husband should pay to his wife. The cause for the alimony necessity is the marriage contract and as soon as the marriage contract would have the obligation seal stamped it become the women's property and would be all established while the couple relation accomplished. The Quran interpretation of the "Mahr"(alimony) is Sedagh( interchanging present) (Quran, An-Nisa 4) and Mahr, no doubt, with its legal burden, based on completely ethical, since it confirms the honesty and show loyalty of the husband to his wife. In fact, Mahr, the third element that is voluntary. It should be presented to wife by the husband as a gift. Dowry is the living costs of the wife which should be assigned properly and paid by the husband. It is limited to a permanent marriage contract.
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