The Effectiveness Of Life Skills Training On Reducing Anxiety Of Divorced Women
Subject Areas : Psychologyعادله Zehtab Nagafi 1 , صفورا Salemi 2 *
1 - Department of Psychology. PhD student in General Psychology of Sport and Exercises, International Imam Reza
2 - M.A in Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
The goal of current study was to investigate the efficacy of life skills training on reducing anxiety of divorced women .the sample included 40 divorced women that referred to Tehran Health Home. The subjects were allocated randomly in to experimental and control groups. Only the experimental group received life skills training weekly for seven sessions. The instruments that were applied in this study was Beck Depression Inventory that were performed on the experimental and control group in two pre- test and post- test stages. The data were analyzed by Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) statistic method. The results indicated that life skills training caused significant reduction in anxiety scores in experimental group rather than control group (p</001).
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