The Study of Women’s Place and Position in Islam and Christianity
Subject Areas : Religion and jurisprudenceمریم Bakhtiar 1 , اکرم Rezaei 2 *
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Literature and Islamic Gnosticism, Islamic Azad University, Ahwaz Branch
2 - M.A Student of Islamic Gnosticism, Islamic Azad University, Ahwaz Branch
Abstract :
One of the most important points of view about women which take durable and emphatic effect in public attitudes toward female is what religions and religious leaders argued. The pessimistic western world’s opinions about women’s rights in religions were due to cathedral church instructions and their social discrimination, so they designate the both Testaments’ view as a divine religion view. In this study by referring to Holy Quran and The Bible, it has been attempted to make a correct and universal picture from their view points about women’s rights and her role in family and society. We work on this issue by answering to the questions such as: what are Holy books (Quran & Bible) opinions about women? What is the comprehensive religion in this subject? It follows that, Bible attitudes are different from Quran’s. Christian’s Holy book accords a lower place to woman in society than that given to men and called her dependant creature that is contrary to Islam view points. Furthermore, Christian beliefs about, Eve seduces Adam; cause a negative convictions toward women, that itself may be a factor for has been deprived from her human and social rights. It would be in contract with Muslims thoughts. Holy Quran that in women’s rights issue as well as the other issues has such great evolution and also perfection, which guide every reader to understands the accuracy and celestial of this book.
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