Woman's Face in Sufis Poem (Sanaie, Attar and Jami)
Subject Areas : Religion and jurisprudenceیدالله Bahmani Motlagh 1 * , علی Sharbati 2
1 - Assistant professor of Persian language and literature of the Shahid Rajaee Teacher Traning University.
2 - M.A. in Persian Language and litrature, High School Official Teacher of Education Ministory in Babolsar
Abstract :
The woman as a half of the human society has a special place in the new studies. Viewing the great development in attitudes to the main social elements that exist in present time, it is necessary to study the views of different classes of society about woman for knowing her more generally and accurately. Sufis (mystics) for the high and positive position that they have among the various classes of society, their views has a special importance. In this essay it is tried to analyze the face of woman from the view of greets Sufis like sanaie, attar and Jami. What is understood from the first view is that they receive most of their thoughts from the high education of Quran and the prophet's tradition. In the second stage, we understand from the result of this essay that their positive and probably negative view about women is not personal and emotional. But as we see some examples of them in Quran and the speech of the greats of religion, is often reaction against negative and in appropriate individual behavior and the roles that some women have played. The criticism of in correct human behavior, not themselves, is confirmed today from the psychological view. The negative impact with inappropriate behavior and negative character of individuals is something that does not allocate to woman kind. There are many people that we had a bad memory of them in Quran like Abojahl and Abolahab. Our great mystics, according to the conditions of time and the speech position, sometimes introduce women as a model and pattern that men should learn from them the lesson of manliness, reliance and devotion.
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