A Study of Child – Rearing Styles and Behavioral Problems of Children with Employed And Unemployed Mothers
Subject Areas : Sport Managementزینب Khanjani 1 * , رقیه Mahmoudzadeh 2
1 - Associate Professor of Psychology , Department of Psychology of Tabriz University, Tabriz,
2 - M.S in clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Tehran Teacher
Training University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
Mothers out door works have different consequences on child rearing practices and behavioralstatus. The current research was purposed to study the child rearing styles and their correlations tochildren behavioral disorders of the employed and unemployed mothers. The present research wasa causal – comparative study. The sample was comprised of 120 pears of mother – child who wereselected randomly from four kindergartens in Tabriz. Rutter Behavioral Disorders Questionnaire(mother – instructor form) And Baumrind Child – Rearing Style Questionnaire were implemented.Data was analyzed by using MANOVA and independent t test. The results have shown that employedand unemployed mothers children with regard to the behavioral problems had no significantdifference. Housewives had more significantly authoritative child rearing style than the employedmothers. But regarding permissive and totalitarian styles, no significant difference between the twogroups was observed.