The Study Of Women Position In Nahjolbalaqa
Subject Areas : Religion and jurisprudenceسکینه Sarami 1 * , حسن Majidi 2
1 - M.A in Arabic language and literature, Hakim sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.
2 - Assistant professor, Department of Arabic language and literature, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran.
Abstract :
This study analyzed the status and rights of women that were discussed in Nahjolbalaqa. One of the critical resources that have long been discussed about the role and status of women in the religious attitude has been the word “Menin” in the Nahjolbalaqa. Some appear to adhere to his word and denied the perfection seeking and high humane values of woman. Some others while insisting on woman nobility and dignity discussed that His speech ignored the true position and dignity of woman and disconfirmed His word. This study intended to prove that in spite of his ignorance of tradition, He respected the character and position of women. Imam Ali (Salute to Him) introduced the woman as the epitome of beauty and kindness. He emphasized on the restoration of the rights of women, including political, economic, cultural, educational, social. In addition, He advised the men to respect the rights of women.