Women’s Poem and Its Features in the Advent of Islam
Subject Areas : Art and ArchitectureM. J. Esmael Ghanemi 1 * , جواد Sa`adounzadeh 2 , علی Sepahyar 3
1 - Assistant professor, Faculty of Arabic language and literature, Abadan branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadan, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Arabic language and literature, Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz, Iran
3 - Lecturer, Faculty of Arabic language and literature, Abadan branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadan, Iran
Abstract :
This research was devoted to women’s literature and its characteristics in the era of Islam. Since the writing of history of Arabic literature was male-dominated: in some cases locating literary works and poetry produced by women was difficult. But in the modern age due to various researches, the role of women in poetry and literature has been more evident and many sources deal with women’s poetry. We can be realized that women’s poetry has its own differentiating characteristics. Among these differences is that women did not sell their poetry for cheap and did not make it a source of earning a living. “Emotion” had been a strong feature of women’s poetry. Women’s poetic techniques were not much different from men’s; although women poets tended to use specific techniques such as elegy.
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