The Moderating Role Of Management Styles On The Relationship Between Interpersonal Conflicts And Deviant Behaviors Among Women Nurses
Subject Areas : Sport Managementمحسن Golparvar 1 * , زهرا Vaseghi 2 , زهرا Javadian 3 , Sh Sadeghi 4 , مایده Abedini 5
1 - Department of psychology Khorasgan Branch Islamic Azad University Esfahan Iran
2 - Department of psychology Khorasgan Branch Islamic Azad University Esfahan Iran
3 - Department of psychology Khorasgan Branch Islamic Azad University Esfahan Iran
4 - Department of psychology Khorasgan Branch Islamic Azad University Esfahan Iran
5 - Department of psychology Khorasgan Branch Islamic Azad University Esfahan Iran
Abstract :
This research was administered with the aim of studying the moderating role of conflict managelment styles in relationship between conflict with supervisor and coworkers and female nurses’ delviant behaviors. The research pattern was correlation one. The statistical population was the whole140 female nurses from a hospital in Esfahan city. 100 nurses were selected by using conveniencesampling method. The research instruments consisted of Conflict Management Styles Questionlnaire (De drew et al, 2001), researcher made questionnaire of conflict with coworkers and supervilsor, and Deviant Behaviors Questionnaire (Robinson and Bennett, 1995). Data were analyzed withthe use of Pearson correlation coefficient and hierarchical regression analysis. Results revealed thatforcing moderated the relationship between conflict with supervisor and coworkers and deviantbehaviors toward hospital and coworkers. Current research evidences showed that when forcing asa conflict management style was high, and women nurses exposed to conflict with supervisor andcoworkers, increase in deviant behaviors toward coworkers and supervisor occurred.