An Investigation on the Family’s Socioeconomic Status’ Aspects in Predicting the Students’ Happiness
Subject Areas : Sport ManagementM. R. Bayat 1 * , A. Z. Naami 2 , ندا Esmaeeli Far 3
1 - Shahid Chamran University, Ph.D. Student in Psychology, Ahwaz, Iran
2 - Shahid Chamran University, Associate Professor in Psychology and Educational Sciences Department,
Ahwaz, Iran
3 - Kharazmi University, Ph.D. Student in Consulting, Tehran, Iran
Abstract :
The research purpose was to investigate the socioeconomic status’ aspects qouta in predicting thestudents’ happiness. The sample comprised 200 individuals who were selected randomly throughmulti-stage cluster sampling among the high schools of Roudehen city. The acquired data analyzedby Pearson correlation and t-test indicated that the students’ happiness was significantly and positivelycorrelated to the students’ socioeconomic status.