Testing the Causal Model of Empathy with the Patient Based on the Culture of Ethical Behavior and Daily Spiritual Experiences with the Mediation of Patience in Female Nurses
Subject Areas : Psychology
1 - M.A., Department of Clinical Psychology, Consultant of Family Clinic Center, Army Ground Forces, Sanandaj, Iran.
Keywords: Daily spiritual experiences, patience, Sense of empathy with the patient, Ethical behavior culture,
Abstract :
The aim of the current research was to exmine the causal model of empathy with the patient based on the culture of ethic behavior and daily spiritual experiences with the mediation of patience in female nurses of Sanandaj city. In this study, the population included all the female nurses of Sanandaj who were working in public hospitals in 2021. The sample embraced 200 female nurses from the mentioned group whom were selected by convinence sampling method. The current research was a correlational study and path analysis type. To collect data, the Jefferson Patient Empathy Scale (1995), Trevino and Butterfield's Ethical Behavior Culture Questionnaire (1998), Mohammad Alipour et al.'s Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale (2016) and Khormai et al. (2015) Patience Scale were implemented. The data were analyzed through applying path analysis, by using SPSS vesion 22 and Amos 23. The results of the analysis showed that the proposed moded had an optimum goodness of fit and there was a significant direct path between daily spiritual experiences, the culture of ethical behavior and empathy with the patient in female nurses (p<0.05). Also, daily spiritual experiences and the culture of ethical behavior through patience had an indirect significant relationship with the sense of empathy with the patient in nurses (p<0.05). It could be concluded that the the female nurses based on the culture of ethic behavior and daily spiritual experiences with the mediation of patience should accomplosish empthy with patiants and play significant role to promote patients cure.
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