Analysis Of Female Character In Jamal Nasari Lyrics Mirror
Subject Areas : Arabic literatureAli Akbar Mohseni 1 , Mohammad Bostan 2 * , Behnaz Nazari 3
1 - Razi University of Kermanshah, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Kermanshah, Iran.
2 - Islamic Azad University Islam Abad Gharab Branch, Department of Arabic Language and literature, Islam Abad Gharab, Iran
3 - Razi University of Kermanshah, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Kermanshah, Iran.
Keywords: Jamal Nasari, Woman's character, lyrics mirror,
Abstract :
The present study aimed to investigate the female aspect from the perspective of Nasari. Addressing women's role and showing real and sometimes ethereal figures of women in all historical periods of Arab literature, is seen in the works of many poets and writers. But contemporary poets with new and different look than in the past; focused on the subject of women. Jamal Nasari of those poets whose poems in the collection of the same name in different threads to express their feelings and ideas and personal concern for the social, political and cultural benefit. This study intended to examine different aspects of women's role in Nasari poetry. Nasari in many positions held an optimistic bias towards women and at the same time his pessimistic words and ideas against women were not rare. The findings of this descriptive-analytic study proposed issues such as lack of society attention to woman emotions, a symbol of chastity, a man woman comforting, sad parting of lovers, shelter and support, etc., as well as to describes negative attitudes the poet dealt to. Therefore, by examining the lyrics of the poet the results indicated that the Nasari poems did not include describing the physical characteristics of women, but were symbols of the concepts and themes of the poet to express his feelings through it.
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