Predicting Of Perceived Work-Family Conflict Through Job Commitment And Organizational Embeddedness Among Shift Worker Female Nurses
Subject Areas : Psychology
Marzieh Yaraghy Isfahany
Ali Mehdad
1 - Islamic Azad University Khouragan(Isfahan) Branch, Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Khouragan (Isfahan), Iran.
2 - Islamic Azad University Khouragan(Isfahan) Branch, Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Khouragan (Isfahan), Iran.
Keywords: shift workers female nurses, work- family conflict, organizational embeddedness, Job commitment,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this research was to study predicting perceived work-family conflict through job commitment and organizational embeddedness among shift worker female nurses in Isfahan public hospitals in spring 1395. The method of this research was correlational.The statistical population included all nurses of the 11 public hospitals that among them 197 subjects were selected through convenience sampling procedure. The research instruments consisted of Occupational Commitment Questionnaire (Blau, et al.1993), Organizational Embeddedness Questionnaire (Mitchell, et al. 2001) and Perceived Work- Family Cconflict Scale(Carlson, et al. 2000). Data were analyzed by using Pearson's correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis and the results of simple correlation showed that there were significant negative relationship between job commitment and organizational embeddedness with perceived work-family conflict (P<0/01). Moreover, the result of stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that, in tow steps, organizational embeddedness and job commitment could predict significantly %46/6 of work- family conflict variances. According to the findings, it concluded that, work-family conflict perception could be decreased through increasing organizational embeddedness and job commitment.
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