Best Selection Design in Air Distribution of Data Centers
Subject Areas : Optimization
Mohammadamin Mojavery Agah
khalil Mojaveryagah
Alireza Saraei
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering , South Tehran Branch , Islamic Azad university, Tehran , Iran
2 - Faculty of Engineering , Energy and Economic Engineering Group, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad university,Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Mechanical Engineering , South Tehran Branch , Islamic Azad university, Tehran , Iran
Keywords: Data center, air distribution, IT rooms air cooling, energy efficiency racks, cabinets, raised floor,
Abstract :
Nowadays, so much heat has been generated in data centers which is caused by many electronic devices. This generated heat has been increased proportionally with the number of racks in IT rooms .In other hands, the power consumption of IT cooling system is more than 43% of total electrical consumption in data centers, hence the technology of its cooling systems is very important. Selection of cooling system design should provide the most efficiency and the least power consumption. In this paper, data centers with raised floor or without raised floor will be considered and 9 air distribution procedures for air cooling of IT rooms will be discussed and will be compared. According to the number of IT’s racks and power consumption of IT’s cabinets, the best selection of air distribution options will be determined .by the results of this paper , the clients of data centers could choose the best cooling system options which are appropriate with the number of racks and the power heat generation in data centers.