Experimental and Finite Element Simulation of Cutting Tool Temperature During Hard Turning of Hardened Steel Using Sio2 Nano-Fluid
Subject Areas : Heat TransferMohsen Khajehzadeh 1 * , Ghorbanali Momen 2
1 - Amirkabir University of Technology
2 - Master of science student
Keywords: Nano-fluid, Silicon dioxide, Cutting Tool Temperature,
Abstract :
In this paper, the effect of using Sio2 nano-fluid on cutting tool temperature, during the hard turning of AISI 4340 hardened steel has been studied using both experimental and finite element methods; To achieve this goal, first a finite element model has been developed in case of dry hard turning of AISI 4340 hardened steel. The results of this model was then verified by experimental measurements of cutting forces and cutting tool temperatures. In continuation, a set of experimental tests were designed and executed to study the effect of nano-fluid application and its concentration on cutting tool temperature. According to the achieved results, there is a good agreement between finite element and experimental results. These results also show that, cutting tool temperature for hard turning of AISI 4340 is 30% of the dry hard turning and the percent of reduction in cutting tool temperature grows gradually with increasing nanofluids concentration (0.6 % wt)