Survey of trichomoniasis infection in some of the Ornamental Birds in Babol city
Subject Areas : Large Animal DiseasesJafar Hossienzadeh 1 * , abdulhani shojaee 2
1 - Dvm
2 - dvm
Keywords: Trichomonase, ornamental birds, Babol city,
Abstract :
Trichomonas gallinae, a flagellate parasite of animals vertebrates, is exclusively found in birds and there mostly in the pigeons and doves. Other birds may also become infected. Tricomonas gallinae is basically a parasite that has high levels of gastrointestinal tract and respiration, a very high number of birds. This study was conducted in 1395 on 140 birds including 60 pigeons, 40 Budgerigars, 20 Canary, 10 pheasants, and 10 quails. In this examination the samples were gathered from mouth and larynx of those birds by soap and then, were inspected via wet spread slide method. Our results show that, among 140 birds, 35 pigeons (58.3%), 15 Budgerigars (25%), 8 canaries (13.3%), 2 pheasants (3.3%) were infected, but none of the 10 quails were infected with trichomonase. Contamination in hot season (75%) was higher than cold one (25%). Finally the results show that tricomonase contamination has high spread in babol city. That it is necessary to control this contamination strategies need to be applied.