A Survey of dogs Ectoparasite in Mako city
Subject Areas : Parasitology
Sahar Jadidi rendi
sohrab Rasoli
1 -
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran
Keywords: Prevalence, Ectoparasites, Guard and Herd dogs, Mako, Northwest Iran,
Abstract :
Due to the increasing keeping of dogs in the country and the lack of full implementation of health regulations; The risk of transmitting common diseases from dogs to humans is always possible. Among the common diseases in dogs are those caused by arthropods and ectoparasites. This study aims to determine the frequency of infection with external parasites of guard dogs and herds in Mako city by cross-sectional descriptive method for 12 months during the year 1402 to 1403 and in the form of stratified sampling on 180 dog collars, of which 111 collars (61.7 percent) ) were male and 69 collars (38.3%) were female dogs. The highest frequency of infection with foreign parasites was in July with the number of 5 cases (33.3%) and the lowest number in March with the number of 1 case (6.7%). A total of 40 cases of infection with different types of Ectoparasites were observed.In the studied dogs, the most infection with external parasites was observed, respectively, related to Cetnocephalides with 17 positive cases (9.4%), Rhycephalus sanguineus with 15 positive cases (8.3%) and Trichodectes with 8 positive cases (4.4%). percent has been based on this, the relative frequency of infection with ectoparasites in infected dogs is 50.0%, respectively, Ectoparasites Cetnocephalides, Rhipicephalus Sanguineus was reported as 44.1% and Trichodectes with 23.5%. Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between the frequency of infection with external parasites and age (p<0.05), but no significant relationship was seen with the sampling season and gender of dogs (p>0.05). The results indicate that fleas, ticks, and mange were the most common external parasites in dogs in Mako, so there is a serious risk of transmission of common diseases by these parasites from guard dogs and herds to other domestic animals as well as to humans. It is probable.
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