Prioritizing sustainable urban regeneration policies in the Historical area of Shiraz with attention to authority relations
Subject Areas : Urban policy
Elham Amanzadegan
Manouchehr Tabibian
Mohammad Amanzadegan
Hossein Amanzadegan
Maryam Amanzadegan
1 - Ph.D. of Urban Design & Planning, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran.
2 - Full Professor of Urban Design and Planning, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3 - PhD student of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Yasuj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasuj, Iran.
4 - Master of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Sepidan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sepidan, Iran.
5 - Master of urban design, Department of urban planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran.
Keywords: Policy Prioritization, authority relations, Historical area of Shiraz, Sustainable Urban Recreation,
Abstract :
Historical areas have rich cultural, social and heritage resources due to the existence of buildings and collections of valuable spaces and the narration and reading of the reality of life and the activities of human beings living in it in the transition of history. The need to intervene in historical areas seems to be undeniable due to the needs of today's urbanization and the process of natural erosion and physical metamorphosis over time. The "sustainable urban regeneration" approach, due to the simultaneous, comprehensive and integrated considerations of physical, functional, economic, social, environmental, managerial, legal dimensions, focus on preservation, protection and development of heritage-identity capital preservation more than other policies. The present article intends to prioritize sustainable urban regeneration policies in the four neighborhoods of Shiraz historical context to create a link between the two concepts of sustainability and urban regeneration in Shiraz historical area neighborhoods, changes in its management and at the same time social, physical, cultural, and environmental regeneration and ultimately lead to vitality, dynamism, and the promotion of status and civic life in the historical area. The data required for the research have been collected through library studies, documents, field studies, reports of organizations involved in urban management and completing a questionnaire by Delphi method and interviews with experts in historical area by exploratory method. The statistical population includes citizens of five neighborhoods of the historical-cultural region of Shiraz, equivalent to 24871 people. The sample size was selected based on Cochran's formula and the questionnaire was randomly distributed and completed. Based on the policy of sustainable urban regeneration, the policies and plans of the historical area of Shiraz were analyzed and evaluated by statistical methods like Fuzzy-Topsis & T test. The results of statistical tests in order to prioritize policies indicate that the components of regeneration and sustainability in the historical area of Shiraz are lower than desired and physical policy with an average of 2.933 as the highest index, socio-demographic policy, environmental, participatory, cultural - Tourism, management, legal and economic are in the next categories with an average of 2.932, 2.920, 2.809, 2.778, 2.739 and 2.628, respectively. Given the need to pay attention to managerial and legal policies in historically valuable areas and the theories of Habermas and Foucault in this regard, there is a need to present a new approach and pay attention to the authority relations and institutions involved in the context.Extended AbstractIntroduction: The decline in the quality of the urban environment, due to the prevailing pattern of urbanization of industrial cities and fundamental changes in the structure and function of the central and old urban parts, made the issue of regenerating the historical and ancient parts of cities as an important issue. Many theorists have used various perspectives to solve this fundamental problem, such as attention to culture, modern perspective, neo-urbanism, and so on. Despite many efforts in this field, their goals were focused on the physical part of urban historical contexts and have been presented in the form of various policies. All aspects and indicators of sustainability and regeneration in the historical context have not been considered simultaneously. The basic principles as well as the participation of the people have led to the non-implementation of some executive policies in the historical context (Amanzadegan & Tabibian, 2021: 3). The process of revival and metamorphosis in historical contexts has been subjected to various ideas in the last century, which have been formed based on spatial and temporal conditions and policies governing contexts and have undergone changes in the form of different ideas (Yazdani, et al., 2017: 42-43). Some perspectives and approaches to intervention in historically valuable contexts have sometimes sought to inject new ideas into contexts without addressing the contemporary and up-to-date needs of contexts and people, as well as the main concerns of urbanization today, and this is a reason for failure. Thoughts and views as well as plans and programs that seek to correct and solve the problem of historical contexts. Therefore, in spite of many activities, considering that one of the issues of experts and decision-makers in these matters is the preservation of historical sites and the revitalization of ancient area, and government policies in recent decades have emphasized to correct the ancient texture, but unfortunately what is actually observed in practice is the gradual and uncertainty of these areas (Habibi & Maghsodi, 2017: 55-59). Due to the inefficiency of views and theories related to the historical context, the use of regeneration in the historical area along with the issue of sustainability, will lead to an integrated and sustainable development of the context. The comprehensive approach to sustainable urban regeneration can affect the quality and identity of historical contexts by considering all dimensions and components of sustainability and regeneration affecting the historical context.Methodology:SPSS software and t-test were used to analyze the collected data. Fuzzy TOPSIS has also been used to rank regeneration policies in neighborhoods. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed based on the opinions of experts in the field of regeneration, 30 questionnaires were completed to assess the reliability and Cronbach's alpha of various indicators was more than 0.70. The policies formulated in the approved plans and programs for organizing, improving, renovating and regenrating the historical context of Shiraz in the detailed plan of the historical context, which are facing more incompatibility, were selected.Discussion and findings:T-test was used to prioritize sustainable urban regeneration policies. Due to the use of the Likert spectrum, the average is three. If the average is higher than average, it indicates more impact and if the average is lower than average, it indicates less impact. In order to assess the status of urban regeneration policies in the historical context, the one-sample parametric t-test (with the value of test 3) has been used. Given the level of significance obtained, it can be said with 95% confidence that the test results are acceptable. The results show that the average of all dimensions is below average. Physical dimension with an average of 2.933 as the highest average, social-demographic, environmental, participatory, cultural-tourism, managerial, legal, and economic dimensions are in the next categories with the average of 2.932, 2.920, 2.809, 2.788, 2.739, and 2.628, respectively. In order to assess the status of regeneration and sustainability policy in multiple neighborhoods of Shiraz historical context, t-test has been used. The results indicate that among the six components of regeneration and sustainability in the four neighborhoods of the historical context of Shiraz, three components are above average and three components are below average. The physical component with an average of 3.443 has the highest average and in other words is the most desirable component; And the component of public participation with an average of 2.232 has the lowest average and in other words is the most undesirable component. In general, the situation of regeneration and sustainability in the four neighborhoods of the historical area of Shiraz with an average of 2.993 is lower than the desired level. In order to be able to compare and rank historical area’s neighborhoods in terms of sustainable urban regeneration dimensions, the fuzzy TOPSIS model has been used. Also, fuzzy hierarchical analysis technique has been used to weight the indicators. After extracting the regeneration policies using the Delphi method and classifying the causes of non-feasibility of the plans and programs of the historical context of Shiraz in different areas related to the regeneration policy, different stages of fuzzy TOPSIS have been performed.Conclusion:It can be concluded that in general, the policies of urban regeneration plans and programs in the historical area of Shiraz are in an unfavorable situation, which can be confirmed according to obtained averages. In general, it can be said that the economic dimension includes; Reducing the profitability, efficiency and desirability of reconstruction projects in the historical context before and during implementation, increasing project implementation costs, lack of investor attraction, financial and economic weakness of the residents of the context, etc., are the most important components affecting the implementation of sustainable urban regeneration policies and programs in the city of Shiraz which is considered to be one of the main reasons for the failure of regeneration programs in this area.This result is important considering the ruling planning system of the country and the very important role of the executive and financial power of the employer. It seems reasonable that each of the projects, plans and programs for the regenerations of the historical context of Shiraz in order to succeed in the historical context, need to pay attention to the component of economic and financial power.In order to solve the problems of the historical-cultural context of Shiraz, a set of goals have been considered in the proposed program and plan, and if these goals are realized through strategies and executive policies, a big step will be taken to regenrate and revitalize the historical-cultural context of Shiraz.Encourage indigenous and non-indigenous investments to create sustainable employment in historic neighborhoods.Investing in small businesses to increase economic competition in these neighborhoods.Establishing a direct connection between the historical buildings of the city center and the revitalization of the historical contexts of the city.Special attention to integrated and coordinated local management.Review of the organizational structure and organizational chart of the municipality of Shiraz historical-cultural region.Elimination of parallel organization and establishment of the principle of organizational-institutional balance.
Working paper (http: www.
Hong Kong. Social Indicators Research, 71, 441-465.