The relationship between urban space and crime and social harms with emphasis on high-risk suicidal behavior (Case study: Noorabad city)
ابوذر وفایی
Kamran Dowlatyarian
PhD student, Department of geography and urban planning, Mohaghegh Ardabili University , Ardabil, Iran
Keywords: urban space, social damage, suicide, structural equation modeling, Noorabad city.,
Abstract :
Urbanization along with its complex developments has led to the spread of all kinds of social disorders and harms. Suicide is a risky behavior and a social harm that has penetrated the social and cultural base of different classes of society and brought unfortunate consequences for societies. The city of Noorabad suffers from high risk of suicide due to problems such as unemployment, addiction, traditionalism, lack of facilities and services, and socio-economic poverty. The purpose of this research is to investigate the causes and factors affecting suicide in Noorabad city of Lorestan. The research method of the present study is applied and descriptive-analytical. The statistical sample under study includes 270 citizens of Noorabad city, which was calculated by simple random sampling using Sample Power software. Documentary-field method was used to collect data and AMOS24, SPSS26 statistical software was used for data analysis. The results of the one-sample T-test show the significance of the relationship between the research indicators and the high-risk behavior of suicide in the study area. Also, the findings of the path analysis showed that the economic dimension with beta value (β=0.76) had the highest factor load in suicide tendency and then it was determined that family variables with beta (β=0.72), individual and psychological variables with beta (β=0.73) and social-cultural variables with beta (β=0.69) are the most influential factors of suicide in Noorabad city. Finally, the findings of the structural model of the research showed that the indicators of urban space such as living in crime-prone neighborhoods, not having suitable housing for living, lack of recreational facilities and services, high unemployment, population density and modernity, inappropriate urban governance, high stress of urban life and lack Green spaces each with covariance weights (0.32), (0.28), (0.27), (0.23), (0.22), (0.19), (0.12) , (0.7) affect suicidal behavior.
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